LM2796TLX/NOPB ,Dual-Display White LED Driver with 3/2x Switched Capacitor Boost 18-DSBGA -30 to 85features• 18-bump Thin DSBGA Package: (2.1mm x(keypad LEDs, for example). Brightness of the two2.4m ..
LM2796TLX/NOPB ,Dual-Display White LED Driver with 3/2x Switched Capacitor Boost 18-DSBGA -30 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSLimits in standard typeface and typical values apply for T = 25ºC. Limits ..
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Dual-Display White LED Driver with 3/2x Switched Capacitor Boost 18-DSBGA -30 to 85
3/2× Charge Pump
(1× when VIN > 4.7V)
1 PF
1 PF
1 PF* ENA ENBC1+ C1- C2+ C2-
2.7V to 5.5V
LM2796*If total LED current is above 80 mA, as can occur
when all 7 outputs are ON simultaneously, 2.2 PF
capacitors are recommended for CIN and CPOUT.
Master Enable and Current Source Enables for
ON/OFF Control and PWM Dimming
LM2796LCD) current sources deliver excellent current and
brightness matching in all LEDs. The LED-driver
• Excellent Current and Brightness Matchingcurrent sources are split into two independently
• High-Efficiency 3/2x Charge Pump controlled groups. The primary group(4 LEDs) can
• Extended Li-Ion Input: 2.7Vto 5.5V be usedto backlight the main phone display. The
PWM Brightness Control: 100Hz- 1kHz second group(3 LEDs) can be usedto backlighta
secondary displayorto provide other lighting features
• 18-bump Thin DSBGA Package: (2.1mmx (keypad LEDs, for example). Brightnessof the two
2.4mmx 0.6mm) groups can be adjusted independently with pulse-
width modulated (PWM) digital signals.
APPLICATIONSThe LM2796 works off an extended Li-Ion input
• Mobile Phone Display Lighting voltage range (2.7V to 5.5V). Voltage boost is
• Mobile Phone Keypad Lighting achieved witha high-efficiency 3/2×-gain charge
• PDAs General LED Lighting The LM2796is availablein TI’s chip-scale 18-bump
DSBGA package.
Typical Application Circuit