LM27965SQ-M/NOPB ,Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control 24-WQFN CONNECTION DIAGRAM24 Pin WQFN PackageSee Package Number RTW0024A6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6724 24 78 23 ..
LM27965SQX , Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control
LM27965SQX , Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control
LM27965SQX/NOPB ,Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control 24-WQFN -30 to 85FEATURES2• 91% Peak LED Drive Efficiency DESCRIPTIONThe LM27965 is a highly integrated charge-pump- ..
LM27966SQX , White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Interface
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Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control
LM27965D1AVIN C1
www.ti.com SNVS380B –MAY 2006–REVISED FEBRUARY 2013
LM27965 Dual Display White LED Driver with I2C Compatible Brightness Control
Checkfor Samples: LM27965
1FEATURES 91% Peak LED Drive Efficiency DESCRIPTIONThe LM27965isa highly integrated charge-pump-
• No Inductor Requiredbased dual-display LED driver. The device can drive
• 0.3% Current Matching upto9 LEDsin parallel witha total output currentof
• Drives LEDs with upto 30mA per LED 180mA. Regulated internal current sinks deliver
excellent current and brightness matchinginall LEDs.
• 180mAof total drive currentI2C Compatible Brightness Control Interface The LED driver current sinks are split into three
independently controlled groups. The primary group
• Adaptive1×- 3/2× Charge Pumpcan beconfigurabled with 4 or 5 LEDs, for
• Resistor-Programmable Current Settings backlightinga larger main display and the second
• External Chip RESET Pin group can be configured with2 or3 LEDs, for
backlighing a smaller secondary display. An
• Extended Li-Ion Input: 2.7Vto 5.5Vadditional, independently is
• Small low profile industry standard leadless provided for driving
package, WQFN24: (4mmx 4mmx 0.8mm)• 25mm2 total solution size the
• TwoI2C Compatible Chip Address Options:
0x36 for LM27965SQ and 0x38 for without the
LM27965SQ-M charge pumpina proper gain for
APPLICATIONS chosen based onis maximized
• Mobile Phone Display Lighting• PDA Backlighting 24-pin WQFN-24
• General LED Lighting