LM2780TP ,Ultra-Low Ripple Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterPin DescriptionPin Name DescriptionA1 C2+ Secondary flying-capacitor connectionB1 V Input voltage. ..
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Ultra-Low Ripple Switched Capacitor Voltage Inverter
Ultra-Low Ripple Switched Capacitor Voltage Inverter
General DescriptionThe LM2780isa charge pump that invertsan input voltage the rangeof 1.8Vto 5.5Vto the corresponding output
voltageof -1.8Vto -5.5V. With useof threeor four low-cost
external ceramic capacitors,the LM2780 can provideupto
50mAof output current.
The LM2780 operatesata 12kHz typical switching fre-
quencyto minimize supply current (60µA typ.). Two charge
pumps operate 180˚ outof phaseto significantly reduce the
output voltage ripple comparedto thatof traditional single-
phase charge pump circuits.If larger output ripple canbe
tolerated, optional capacitor C2 maybe omittedto reduce
the cost and sizeofthe solution. The LM2780is availablein 8-pin Micro SMD chip-scale package.
See also: LM2781,a fast clock (210kHz typ) versionof this
topology with even lower output voltage ripple.
Features Inverts Input Voltage Ultra-Low Voltage Ripple and8Ω Typical Output
Resistance with Two Flying Capacitors Output Resistanceof 18Ω Using One Flying Capacitor 12kHz (typ.) Switching Frequency 8-pin micro SMD Package (1.4mmx 1.4mmx 0.5mm)
Applications Cellular Phones Pagers PDAs Op-Amp Power Supplies Interface Power Supplies Handheld Instruments
Typical Application CircuitMarch 2003