LM2760M5 ,3.3V Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterElectrical Characteristics tables.Note2: All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND ..
LM2760M5X ,3.3V Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterPin DescriptionPin #(s) Pin Name Description1V Input supply connectionIN2 GND Ground connection3V R ..
LM2765M6 ,Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterFeaturesn Doubles Input Supply VoltageThe LM2765 CMOS charge-pump voltage converter oper-atesasavol ..
LM2765M6X ,Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterLM2765 Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterMarch 2000LM2765Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
LM2765M6X ,Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1 V+ Power supply positive voltage input.2 GND Power supply ground ..
LM2765M6X ,Switched Capacitor Voltage ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1 V+ Power supply positive voltage input.2 GND Power supply ground ..
LM6181IMX-8 ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierElectrical Characteristics±The following specifications apply for Supply Voltage = 15V, R = 820Ω, a ..
LM6181IMX-8/NOPB ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM6181 current-feedback amplifier offers an1• Slew Rate: 2000 V/μsunparal ..
LM6181IN ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierLM6181 100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierMay 1998LM6181100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amp ..
LM6182AIM ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierapplications.n Low Offset Voltage: 2 mV™Built on National’s advanced high-speed VIP II (Verticallyn ..
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3.3V Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
3.3V Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
General DescriptionThe LM2760isa switched-capacitor DC/DC converter that
generatesa regulated 3.3V output capableof drivinga loadto 20mA (VIN≥ 2.5V). The wide input voltage range
(2.0V-4.4V) allows this devicetobe powered from several
typesof batteries, including single cell lithium-ion, two-cell
alkaline, nickel-metal-hydride, and nickel-cadmium. The
LM2760 solution does not requirean inductor and needs
only three small external ceramic capacitors. The miniscule
quiescent currentof the part, typically 10µA unloaded,
makesthe LM2760 idealfor low-current standby power rails.
The LM2760isa switched-capacitor circuit thatis controlleda gated oscillator. Botha low-input-voltage boost mode
and high-input-voltage pass mode are implementedto opti-
mize efficiency over thefull input voltage range.
Additional featuresofthe LM2760 include thermal protection
and current limiting. The LM2760is availableina small,
five-pin SOT-23 package.
Features 3.3V± 4% Regulated Output Ultralow Power: 10µA Typical Supply Current Boost and Pass Modesfor Improved Efficiency Input Voltage Range: 2.0Vto 4.4V Output Currentupto 20mA (VIN≥ 2.5V) Output Currentupto 10mA (VIN≥ 2.0V) Inductorless solution Small external parts count:3 ceramic capacitors 750kHz Switching Frequency SOT23-5 Package Short-Circuit and Thermal Protection
Applications Battery-Operated Devices Cellular Phone Standby Power Supply Memory Keep-alive Power
Typical Application CircuitDecember 2002