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Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller with External Reference
Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck
Regulator Controller with External Reference
General DescriptionThe LM2744isa high-speed synchronous buck regulator
controller withan externally adjustable reference voltage
(between 0.5Vto 1.5V).It can provide simple down conver-
sionto output voltagesas lowas 0.5V. Thoughthe control
sectionsoftheIC are ratedfor3to 6V, the driver sections
are designedto accept input supply railsas highas 16V. The
useof adaptive non-overlapping MOSFET gate drivers helps
avoid potential shoot-through problems while maintaining
high efficiency. TheICis designedforthe more cost-effective
optionof driving only N-channel MOSFETsin boththe high-
side and low-side positions.It senses the low-side switch
voltage dropfor providinga simple, adjustable current limit.
The fixed-frequency voltage-mode PWM control architecture adjustable from50 kHzto1 MHz with one external resis-
tor. This wide rangeof switching frequency givesthe power
supply designer the flexibilityto make better tradeoffs be-
tween component size, cost and efficiency.
Features include soft-start, input undervoltage lockout
(UVLO) and Power Good (basedon both undervoltage and
overvoltage detection).In addition, the shutdownpinof the canbe usedfor providing startup delay, andthe soft-start
pin canbe usedfor implementing precise tracking,for the
purposeof sequencing with respecttoan external rail.
Features Power stage input voltage from1Vto 16V Control stage input voltage from3Vto6V Output voltage adjustable downto 0.5V Power good flag and shutdown Output overvoltage and undervoltage detection External reference voltage 0.5Vto 1.5V Low-side adjustable current sensing Adjustable soft-start Tracking and sequencing with shutdown and soft start
pins Switching frequency from50 kHzto1 MHz TSSOP-14 package
Applications 3.3V Buck Regulation Cable Modem, DSL and ADSL LaserJet andInkJet Printers Low Voltage Power Modules DSP, ASIC, Core andI/O DDR Memory Termination Supply
Typical ApplicationFebruary 2005