LM2742MTC ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesPin Descriptionthis pin and ground sets the speed at which the outputBOOT (Pin 1) - Supply rail for ..
LM2742MTC ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesApplicationsrange of operating frequencies gives the power supply de-n POL power supply modulessign ..
LM2743MTC ,Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controllerfeatures a precision threshold for power supplyoutput, which is typically meant to be connected to ..
LM2743MTCX ,Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator ControllerPin Descriptioninternally connected to the non-inverting input of the errorBOOT (Pin 1) - Bootstrap ..
LM2743MTCX/NOPB ,2.2-16V, Voltage Mode Synchronous Buck Controller with Tracking 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS276H–APRIL 2004–REVISED OCTOBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPW Package14-Pin TSSOPTop ..
LM2744MTC ,Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller with External ReferencePin Descriptioninternally connected to the non-inverting input of the errorBOOT (Pin 1) - Bootstrap ..
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N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output Voltages
N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller
for Low Output V oltages
General DescriptionThe LM2742isa high-speed, synchronous, switching regu-
lator controller.Itis intendedto control currentsof 0.7Ato
20A withupto 95% conversion efficiencies. Powerup and
down sequencingis achieved with the power-good flag,
adjustable soft-start and output enable features. The
LM2742 operates froma low-current5V bias and can con-
vert froma1Vto 16V power rail. The part utilizesa fixed-
frequency, voltage-mode, PWM control architecture and the
switching frequencyis adjustable from 50kHzto 2MHzby
setting the valueofan external resistor. Current limitis
achievedby monitoring the voltage drop across the on-
resistanceofthe low-side MOSFET, which enables on-timesthe orderof 40ns, oneofthe bestinthe industry. The wide
rangeof operating frequencies gives the power supply de-
signerthe flexibilityto fine-tune component size, cost, noise
and efficiency. The adaptive, non-overlapping MOSFET
gate-drivers and high-side bootstrap structure helpsto fur-
ther maximize efficiency. The high-side power FET drain
voltage canbe from1Vto 16V and the output voltageis
adjustable downto 0.6V.
Features Input power from1Vto 16V Output voltage adjustable downto 0.6V Power Good flag, adjustable soft-start and output enable
for easy power sequencing Reference Accuracy: 1.5% (0˚C- 125˚C) Current limit without sense resistor Soft start Switching frequency from50 kHzto2 MHz 40ns typical minimum on-time TSSOP-14 package
Applications POL power supply modules Cable Modems Set-Top Boxes/ Home Gateways DDR Core Power High-Efficiency Distributed Power Local Regulationof Core Power
Typical ApplicationPRELIMINARY
February 2005