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High Speed 3A Synchronous MOSFET Driver
High Speed 3A Synchronous MOSFET Driver
General DescriptionThe LM2724Aisa dual N-channel MOSFET driver which
can drive boththe top and bottom MOSFETsina push-pull
structure simultaneously. The LM2724A takesa logic input
and splitsit into two complimentary signals witha typical
20ns dead timein between. The built-in cross-conduction
protection circuitry prevents the top and bottom MOSFETs
from turning onsimultaneously. Witha bias voltageof5V,the
peak sourcing and sinking currentfor each driverof the
LM2724Ais about 3A. Input UVLO (Under-Voltage-Lock-
Out) ensures thatall the driver outputs stay low until the
supply rail exceeds the power-on threshold during system
power on,or after the supply rail drops below power-on
thresholdbya specified hysteresis during system power
down. The cross-conduction protection circuitry detects both
driver outputs and will not turnona driver until the other
driver outputis low. The top gate voltage neededbythe top
MOSFETis obtained throughan external boot-strap struc-
ture. When not switching, the LM2724A only drawsupto
195µA fromthe5V rail. The synchronization operationofthe
bottom MOSFET canbe disabledby pullingthe SYNCpinto
Features Shoot-through protection Input Under-Voltage-Lock-Out3A peak driving current 195µA quiescent current 28V input voltagein buck configuration SO-8 and LLP packages
Applications High Current DC/DC Power Supplies High Input Voltage Switching Regulators Fast Transient Microprocessors Notebook Computers
Typical ApplicationJune 2003