LM26LVCISD-050/NOPB ,1.6V-Capable Temperature Sensor Switch with Factory Programmed Trip Points 6-WSON 0 to 150Block Diagram... 12Information..... 277.3 Feature Description.... 134 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page nu ..
LM26LVCISD-065/NOPB ,1.6V-Capable Temperature Sensor Switch with Factory Programmed Trip Points 6-WSON 0 to 150Features 3 DescriptionThe LM26LV and LM26LV-Q1 are low-voltage,1• Low 1.6-V Operationprecision, dua ..
LM26LVCISD-075/NOPB ,1.6V-Capable Temperature Sensor Switch with Factory Programmed Trip Points 6-WSON 0 to 150Pin Functions (continued)PINEQUIVALENTTYPE DESCRIPTIONCIRCUITNAME NO.The best thermal conductivity ..
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LM26LVCISD-130/NOPB ,1.6V-Capable Temperature Sensor Switch with Factory Programmed Trip Points 6-WSON 0 to 150Features... 18 Application and Implementation...... 232 Applications..... 18.1 Application Informat ..
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The LM592 is a two stage differential input, differential out-
put, wideban ..
1.6V, LLP-6 Factory Preset Temperature Switch and Temperature Sensor
Microcontroller ADC Input
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
LM26LV and LM26LV-Q1 1.6-V, WSON-6 Factory Preset Temperature Switch and
Temperature Sensor Features Low 1.6-V Operation Low Quiescent Current Latching Function: Device Can Latch the Over
Temperature Condition Push-Pull and Open-Drain Temperature Switch
Outputs Wide Trip Point Rangeof 0°Cto 150°C Very Linear Analog VTEMP Temperature Sensor
Output VTEMP Output Short-Circuit Protected Accurate Over –50°Cto 150°C Temperature
Range Excellent Power Supply Noise Rejection LM26LVQISD-130 and LM26LVQISD-135 are
AEC-Q100 Qualified and are Manufacturedonan
Automotive Grade Flow: Device Temperature Grade0: –40°Cto 150°C
Ambient Operating Temperature Range Device HBM ESD Classification Level3A Device CDM ESD Classification Level C6 Device MM ESD Classification Level M3
Applications Cell Phones and Wireless Transceivers Digital Cameras Battery Management Systems Automotive Applications Disk Drives Games and Appliances
DescriptionThe LM26LV and LM26LV-Q1 are low-voltage,
precision, dual-output, low-power temperature
switches and temperature sensors. The temperature
trip point (TTRIP) can be presetat the factoryto any
temperaturein the rangeof 0°Cto 150°Cin 1°C
increments. Built-in temperature hysteresis (THYST)
keeps the output stable in an environment of
temperature instability. normal operation the LM26LV or LM26LV-Q1
temperature switch outputs assert when the die
temperature exceeds TTRIP. The temperature switch
outputs will reset when the temperature falls belowa
temperature equal to (TTRIP – THYST). The
OVERTEMP digital output,is active-high witha push-
pull structure, while the OVERTEMP digital output,is
active-low withan open-drain structure.
The analog output, VTEMP, delivers an analog output
voltage with Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC).
Driving the TRIP_TEST input high causes the digital
outputs to be asserted for in-situ verification and
causes the threshold voltageto appearat the VTEMP
output pin, which could be used to verify the
temperature trip point.
The LM26LV's and LM26LV-Q1's low minimum
supply voltage makes them ideal for 1.8-V system
designs. The wide operating range, low supply
current, and excellent accuracy provide a
temperature switch solution fora wide range of
commercial and industrial applications.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Redundant Protection and Monitoring Typical Transfer Characteristic