LM26CIM5X-VPA ,SOT-23, ±3°C Accurate, Factory Preset Thermostat±LM26 SOT-23, 3˚C Accurate, Factory Preset ThermostatMarch 2005LM26±SOT-23, 3˚C Accurate, Factory P ..
LM26CIM5X-VPA/NOPB ,Temperature Switch with Fixed Trip Points 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LM26CIM5X-XHA ,SOT-23, ±3°C Accurate, Factory Preset Thermostat±LM26 SOT-23, 3˚C Accurate, Factory Preset ThermostatMarch 2005LM26±SOT-23, 3˚C Accurate, Factory P ..
LM26CIM5X-XPA ,SOT-23, ±3°C Accurate, Factory Preset ThermostatGeneral Descriptionn Fan ControlThe LM26 is a precision, single digital-output, low-powern Industri ..
LM26CIM5X-XPA/NOPB ,Temperature Switch with Fixed Trip Points 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125Block Diagram and Connection DiagramTOSHYST OST - TOS HYST HYSTREF Temp. of +LeadsGNDTEMP -OSSENSO ..
LM26CIM5X-XPA/NOPB ,Temperature Switch with Fixed Trip Points 5-SOT-23 -55 to 1256 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDBV Package5-Pin SOT-23(Top View)Pin FunctionsPINTYPE DESCRIPTIONN ..
LM567CM ,Tone DecoderLM567/LM567C Tone DecoderFebruary 2003LM567/LM567CTone Decodern High rejection of out of band signa ..
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LM56BIM ,Dual Output Low Power ThermostatLM56 Dual Output Low Power ThermostatMay 2004LM56Dual Output Low Power Thermostat
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SOT-23, ±3°C Accurate, Factory Preset Thermostat
SOT-23, ±3˚C Accurate, Factory Preset Thermostat
General DescriptionThe LM26isa precision, single digital-output, low-power
thermostat comprisedofan internal reference, DAC, tem-
perature sensor and comparator. Utilizing factory program-
ming,it canbe manufactured with differenttrip pointsas well different digital output functionality. The trip point (TOS)
canbe presetatthe factoryto any temperatureinthe range −55˚Cto +110˚Cin 1˚C increments. The LM26 has one
digital output (OS/OS/US/US), one digital input (HYST) and
one analog output (VTEMP). The digital output stage canbe
presetas either open-drainor push-pull.In addition,it canbe
factory programmedtobe active HIGHor LOW. The digital
output canbe factory programmedto indicatean over tem-
perature shutdown event (OSor OS)oran under tempera-
ture shutdown event (USor US). When presetasan over-
temperature shutdown (OS)it willgo LOWto indicate that
thedie temperatureis overthe internally preset TOS andgo
HIGH whenthe temperature goes below (TOS–THYST). Simi-
larly, when preprogrammedasan undertemperature shut-
down (US)itwillgo HIGHto indicate thatthe temperatureis
below TUS andgo LOW when the temperatureis above
(TUS+THYST). The typical hysteresis, THYST, canbe setto
2˚Cor 10˚C andis controlledbythe stateofthe HYST pin.A
VTEMP analog output providesa voltage thatis proportional temperature and hasa −10.82mV/˚C output slope.
Available parts are detailedin the ordering information. For
other part options, contacta National Semiconductor Dis-
tributoror Sales Representativefor informationon minimum
order qualification. The LM26is currently availableina
5-lead SOT-23 package.
Applications Microprocessor Thermal Management Appliances Portable Battery Powered Systems Fan Control Industrial Process Control HVAC Systems Remote Temperature Sensing Electronic System Protection
Features Internal comparator withpin programmable 2˚Cor 10˚C
hysteresis No external components required Open Drainor push-pull digital output; supports CMOS
logic levels Internal temperature sensor with VTEMP outputpin VTEMP output allows after-assembly system testing Internal voltage reference and DACfor trip-point setting Currently availablein 5-pin SOT-23 plastic package Excellent power supply noise rejection
Key Specifications Power Supply Voltage 2.7Vto 5.5V Power Supply Current 40µA(max)
20µA(typ) Hysteresis Temperature 2˚Cor 10˚C(typ)
Temperature Trip Point Accuracy
Temperature Range LM26CIM−55˚Cto +110˚C ±3˚C (max)
+120˚C ±4˚C (max)
LM26CIM5-TPA Simplified Block Diagram and Connection DiagramThe LM26CIM5-TPA hasa fixed trip pointof 85˚C.
For other trip point and output function availability,
please see ordering informationor contact National Semiconductor.
March 2005