LM2687LD ,Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterFeaturesn Inverts and regulates the input supply voltageTheLM2687CMOSNegativeRegulatedSwitchedCapac ..
LM2687LDX ,Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterApplicationsresistance and voltage ripple. With an operating current ofn Wireless Communication Sys ..
LM2687LDX ,Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterApplicationsresistance and voltage ripple. With an operating current ofn Wireless Communication Sys ..
LM2687MM ,Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterPin DescriptionPin No. Name Function1 Cap+ Positive terminal for C .12 GND Ground.3 Cap− Negative t ..
LM2687MMX ,Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterLM2687 Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterApril 2003LM2687Low Noise Regulated S ..
LM2694MT , 30V, 600 mA Step Down Switching Regulator
LM5575MHX ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 75V, 1.5A Wide Vin Step-Down Regulator 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM5575 is an easy to use SIMPLE SWITCHER®23• LM5575Q is an Automotive Grade ..
LM5575MHX/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 75V, 1.5A Wide Vin Step-Down Regulator 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics.(2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact ..
LM5575QMH , SIMPLE SWITCHER 75V, 1.5A Step-Down Switching Regulator
LM5576MH ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 75V, 3A Wide Vin Step-Down Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 256.2 Handling Ratings: LM5576.... 410.2 Layout Examp ..
LM5576MHX ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 75V, 3A Wide Vin Step-Down Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125Pin Functions (continued)PINI/O DESCRIPTION APPLICATION INFORMATIONNO. NAME13, 14 PGND GROUND Power ..
LM5576MHX/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 75V, 3A Wide Vin Step-Down Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125Block Diagram..... 94 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from pag ..
Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage Inverter
Low Noise Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage
General DescriptionThe LM2687 CMOS Negative Regulated Switched Capacitor
Voltage Inverter deliversa very low noise adjustable output
foran input voltagein the rangeof +2.7Vto +5.5V. Four low
cost capacitorsare usedin this circuitto provideupto 10mA output current. The regulated outputfor the LM2687is
adjustable between −1.5V and −5.2V. The LM2687 operates 100 kHz (typical) switching frequencyto reduce output
resistance and voltage ripple. Withan operating currentof
only 500 µA (charge pump power efficiency greater than
90% with most loads) and 0.05µA typical shutdown current,
the LM2687 provides ideal performancefor cellular phone
power amplifier bias and other low current, low noise nega-
tive voltage needs. The device comesina small 8-pin MSOP LLP package.
Features Inverts and regulates the input supply voltage Small MSOP-8or LLP-8 package 91% typical charge pump power efficiencyat 10mA Low output ripple (1mV typical) Shutdown lowers Quiescent currentto 0.05µA (typical)
Applications Wireless Communication Systems Cellular Phone Power Amplifier Biasing Interface Power Supplies Handheld Instrumentation Laptop Computers and PDA’s
Typical Application CircuitConnection Diagrams
8-Pin MSOP 8-Pin LLP
April 2003