LM2679SX-12/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125 SNVS026O–MARCH 2000–REVISED JUNE 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsKTW PackageNDZ Package7-Pin ..
LM2679SX-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current Limitfeatures include the ability to reduce the input surgecurrentatpower-ONbyaddingasoftstarttimingcapa ..
LM2679SX-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitLM2679 SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitOctober 2003LM26 ..
LM2679SX-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitLM2679 SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitOctober 2003LM26 ..
LM2679T-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitLM2679 SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current LimitOctober 2003LM26 ..
LM2679T-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current Limitfeatures include the ability to reduce the input surgecurrentatpower-ONbyaddingasoftstarttimingcapa ..
LM556CM ,Dual TimerMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/02/95MNLM556-X REV 0BLLast Update Date: 11/12/98L ..
LM556CMX ,Dual TimerLM556 Dual TimerMarch 2000LM556Dual Timer
LM556CN ,Dual TimerMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/02/95MNLM556-X REV 0BLLast Update Date: 11/12/98L ..
LM556J ,18 V, dual timerGeneral Description
The LM556 Dual timing circuit is a highly stable Controller
capable of prod ..
LM556J ,18 V, dual timerApplications
I Precision timing
I Pulse generation
I Sequential timing
I Time delay gen ..
LM556J-MIL ,Dual TimerLM556 Dual TimerMarch 2000LM556Dual Timer
SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
22 PH
1 nF Output
0.01 PF
Adjust5.6k 120-mΩ DMOS Output Switch 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V Fixed Output and Adjustable
(1.2Vto37V) Versions ±2% Maximum Output Tolerance Over Full Line
and Load Conditions Wide Input Voltage Range:8Vto40V 260-kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator Soft-Start Capability −40to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature
Applications Simple-to-Design, High Efficiency (>90%)
Step-Down Switching Regulators Efficient System Preregulator for Linear Voltage
Regulators Battery Chargers
resistance DMOS power switch. The series consists fixed output voltagesof 3.3V,5V, and 12V and adjustable output version.
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application