LM2675M-3.3/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6.5V to 40V, 1A Low Component Count Step-Down Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics – All Output VoltageVersions...... 6 12.5 Electrostatic Discharge Cautio ..
LM2675M5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorGeneral Descriptionthere exists computer design software, LM267X MadeThe LM2675 series of regulator ..
LM2675M-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorLM2675 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorJanuary 2005LM ..
LM2675M-5.0/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6.5V to 40V, 1A Low Component Count Step-Down Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Block Diagram... 102 Applications..... 18.3 Feature Description.... 103 Description....... 18.4 Dev ..
LM2675MADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorGeneral Descriptionthere exists computer design software, LM267X MadeThe LM2675 series of regulator ..
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SIMPLE SWITCHER ?Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator
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LM2675 SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Converter High Efficiency
1-A Step-Down Voltage Regulator Features Efficiencyupto 96% Availablein 8-Pin SOIC, PDIP, and 16-Pin WSON
Package Requires only5 External Components 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range: 1.21V37V ±1.5% Maximum Output Voltage Tolerance Over
Line and Load Conditions Ensured 1-A Output Load Current Wide Input Voltage Range:8Vto40V 260-kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability, Low-Power Standby
Mode Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection
Applications Simple High Efficiency (>90%) Step-Down (Buck)
Regulator Efficient Preregulator for Linear Regulators Positive-to-Negative Converter
DescriptionThe LM2675 series of regulators are monolithic
integrated DC-DC converter circuits built witha
LMDMOS process. These regulators provide all the
active functions fora step-down (buck) switching
regulator, capableof drivinga 1-A load current with
excellent line and load regulation. These devices are
availablein fixed output voltagesof 3.3V,5V, 12V,
andan adjustable output version.
Requiring a minimum number of external
components, these regulators are simpleto use and
include patented internal frequency compensation
anda fixed frequency oscillator.
The LM2675 series operatesata switching frequency 260 kHz, thus allowing smaller-sized filter
components than what would be needed with lower
frequency switching regulators. Becauseof its very
high efficiency (>90%), the copper traces on the
printed-circuit board are the only heat sinking needed.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application