LM2662MX/NOPB ,Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter 8-SOIC -40 to 85 SNVS002E–JANUARY 1999–REVISED OCTOBER 20145 Pin Configuration and Functions8 Pins 8 PinsLM2662 SOI ..
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Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter
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LM266x Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2662/LM2663 CMOS charge-pump voltage Invertsor Doubles Input Supply Voltage converter invertsa positive voltagein the rangeof 1.5• 3.5-Ω Typical Output Resistance Vto 5.5Vto the corresponding negative voltage. The• 86% Typical Conversion Efficiencyat 200 mA LM2662/LM2663 uses two low cost capacitors to
provide 200 mAof output current without the cost,• (LM2662) Selectable Oscillator Frequency:20 size, and EMI relatedto inductor based converters.kHz/150 kHz With an operating current of only 300 μA and• (LM2663) Low Current Shutdown Mode operating efficiency greater than 90%at most loads,
the LM2662/LM2663 provides ideal performance for
2 Applications battery powered systems. The LM2662/LM2663 may
alsobe usedasa positive voltage doubler.• Laptop Computers Cellular Phones The oscillator frequency can be loweredby addingan
external capacitorto the OSC pin. Also, the OSC pin• Medical Instruments may be usedto drive the LM2662/LM2663 with an• Operational Amplifier Power Supplies external clock. For LM2662,a frequency control (FC)• Interface Power Supplies pin selects the oscillator frequencyof 20 kHzor 150
kHz. For LM2663, an external shutdown (SD) pin• Handheld Instruments
replaces the FC pin. The SD pin can be usedtospace disable the device and reduce the quiescent currentspace to 10 μA. The oscillator frequency for LM2663is 150
Voltage Inverter
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.
Positive Voltage Doubler Splitting VINin Half