LM2653MTCX-ADJ/NOPB ,1.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching Regulator 16-TSSOP -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics (continued)Specifications with standard typeface are for T = 25°C, and t ..
LM2655MTC-3.3 ,2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching RegulatorLM2655 2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching RegulatorMarch 2001LM26552.5A High Efficiency Syn ..
LM2655MTC-3.3 ,2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra-high efficiency up to 96%The LM2655 is a current-mode controlled PWM step-downswitc ..
LM2655MTC-ADJ ,2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra-high efficiency up to 96%The LM2655 is a current-mode controlled PWM step-downswitc ..
LM2655MTC-ADJ ,2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching Regulatorapplications. n Thermal Shutdownn 16-pin TSSOP packageIntegrated in the LM2655 are all the power, c ..
LM2655MTCX-3.3 ,2.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching RegulatorApplicationsuses patented current sensing circuitry that eliminates then Hard disk drivesexternal c ..
LM4950TA ,7.5W Mono-BTL or 3.1W Stereo Audio Power Amplifierapplicationsinflatpanelmonitorsandj P (SE)OUTTV’s.Itiscapableofdelivering3.1wattsperchanneltoa4Ωsin ..
LM4950TSX ,7.5W Mono-BTL or 3.1W Stereo Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsn Flat Panel Monitorsn Flat panel TV’sn Computer Sound CardsTypical Application20047078 ..
LM4951ASD/NOPB ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier With Short Circuit Protection 10-WSON -40 to 85features an internal thermal shutdown• Portable Devicesprotection mechanism and short circuit prote ..
LM4951SD ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsn Portable Handheld Devices up to 9Vn Cell Phonen PDATypical Application200942F4*R is n ..
LM4951SD/NOPB ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier 10-WSON Electrical Characteristics V = 7.5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 7.5V, A = 6dB, R = ..
LM4952TS ,3.1W Stereo-SE Audio Power Amplifier with DC Volume ControlFeaturesadjustment.n Pop & click circuitry eliminates noise during turn-on andBoomeraudiopowerampli ..
1.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching Regulator
www.ti.com SNVS050E –NOVEMBER 1999–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM2653 1.5A High Efficiency Synchronous Switching Regulator
Checkfor Samples: LM2653
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM2653 switching regulator provides high
Efficiency upto 97% efficient power conversion overa 100:1 load range
• 4Vto 14V Input Voltage Range (1.5Ato15 mA). This feature makes the LM2653 an
1.5Vto 5.0V Adjustable Output Voltage idealfitin battery-powered applications.
0.1Ω Switch On Resistance Synchronous rectificationis usedto achieve upto
300 kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator 97% efficiency.At light loads, the LM2653 entersa
low power hysteretic or “sleep” modeto keep the
• 7 μA Shutdown Current efficiency high.In many applications, the efficiency
• Patented Current Sensing for Current Mode still exceeds 80%at 15 mA load.A shutdown pinis
Control available to disable the LM2653 and reduce the
Input Undervoltage Lockout supply currentto7µ A.
Output Overvoltage Shutdown Protection All the power, control, and drive functions are
integrated within the ICs. The ICs contain patented
• Output Undervoltage Shutdown Protectioncurrent sensing circuity for current mode control. This
• Adjustable Soft-Start feature eliminates the external current sensing
• Adjustable PGOOD Delay resistor required by other current-mode DC-DC
Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown converters.
The ICs havea 300 kHz fixed frequency internal
APPLICATIONS oscillator. The high oscillator frequency allows the
useof extremely small, low profile components.
• Webpad Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Protection features include thermal shutdown, input
undervoltage lockout, adjustable soft-start, cycle by
• Computer Peripherals cycle current limit, output overvoltage and
• Battery-Powered Devices undervoltage protections.
• Notebook Computer Video Supply Handheld Scanners GXM I/O and Core Voltage High Efficiency 5V Conversion Current= 5V,= 3.3V)