LM26400YMHX/NOPB ,Dual 2A, 500kHz Wide Input Range Buck Regulator 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM26400Y device is a monolithic, two-output1• Input Voltage Range of 3 V ..
LM26400YSD , Dual 2A, 500kHz Wide Input Range Buck Regulator
LM26400YSD/NOPB ,Dual 2A, 500kHz Wide Input Range Buck Regulator 16-WSON Block Diagram... 1011.5 Glossary. 267.3 Feature Description.... 1012 Mechanical, Packaging, and Ord ..
LM2640MTC-ADJ ,Dual Adjustable Step-Down Switching Power Supply ControllerFeaturesmode can be disabled in favor of fixed-frequency operationn 200 kHz fixed-frequency switchi ..
LM2640MTCX-ADJ ,Dual Adjustable Step-Down Switching Power Supply ControllerGeneral Description Key Specificationsn 96% efficientThe LM2640 is a dual step-down power supply co ..
LM2641MTC-ADJ ,Dual Adjustable Step-Down Switching Power Supply ControllerFeaturesmode can be disabled in favor of fixed-frequency operationn 300 kHz fixed-frequency switchi ..
LM4910MM ,LM4910 Output Capacitor-less Stereo 35mW Headphone Amplifierapplications.It n Power Output at V = 3.3V, R =32Ω, and THD ≤DD Lis capable of delivering 35mW of c ..
LM4911LD ,LM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled or OCL OutputGeneral Description Key Specificationsn PSRR at 217Hz and 1kHz 65dB (typ)The LM4911 is an stereo au ..
LM4911LDX ,LM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled or OCL Outputfeatures a low-power consumption shutdownn OCL or capacitively coupled outputs (patent pending)mode ..
LM4911MM ,LM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled or OCL OutputLM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled orOCL OutputFeb ..
LM4911MMX ,LM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled or OCL OutputGeneral Description Key Specificationsn PSRR at 217Hz and 1kHz 65dB (typ)The LM4911 is an stereo au ..
LM4911MMX ,LM4911 Stereo 40mW Low Noise Headphone Amplifier with Selectable Capacitive Coupled or OCL OutputFeaturesThe LM4911
Dual 2A, 500kHz Wide Input Range Buck Regulator
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LM26400Y Dual 2-A, 500-kHz Wide Input Range Buck Regulator Features 3 DescriptionThe LM26400Y deviceisa monolithic, two-output Input Voltage Rangeof3Vto20V fixed-frequency PWM step-down DC-DC regulator,in• Dual 2-A Output a 16-pin WSON or thermally-enhanced HTSSOP• Output Voltage Downto 0.6V package. With a minimum number of external
components and internal loop compensation, the• Internal Compensation LM26400Yis easyto use.• 500-kHz PWM Frequency
The abilityto drive 2-A loads with an internal 175-mΩ• Separate Enable Pins NMOS switch using state-of-the-art 0.5-µm BiCMOS• Separate Soft-Start Pins technology resultsina high-power density design.• Frequency Foldback Protection The world class control circuitry allows for an ON-
time as lowas 40 ns, thus supporting high-frequency• 175-mΩ NMOS Switch
conversion over the entire input rangeof3Vto20V• Integrated Bootstrap Diodes and downto an output voltageof only 0.6V. The• Overcurrent Protection LM26400Y utilizes peak current-mode control and HTSSOP and WSON Packages internal compensationto provide high-performance
regulation overa wide range of line and load• Thermal Shutdown conditions. Switching frequencyis internally setto
500 kHz, optimal fora broad rangeof applicationsin
2 Applications termsof size versus thermal tradeoffs. DTV-LCD Givena nonsynchronous architecture, efficiencies• Set-Top Boxes above 90% are easyto achieve. External shutdownis XDSL included, enabling separate turnon and turnoffof the
two channels. Additional features include• Automotive programmable soft-start circuitry to reduce inrush• Computing Peripherals current, pulse-by-pulse current limit and frequency• Industrial Controls foldback, integrated bootstrap structure, and thermal
shutdown.• Points-of-Load
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application