LM2633MTDX ,Advanced Two-Phase Synchronous Triple Regulator Controller for Notebook CPUsPin DescriptionsVDD2 (Pin 32): The supply rail for Channel 2 bottom gateFB1 (Pin 1):The feedback in ..
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Advanced Two-Phase Synchronous Triple Regulator Controller for Notebook CPUs
Advanced Two-Phase Synchronous Triple Regulator
Controller for Notebook CPUs
General DescriptionThe LM2633isa feature-richIC that combines three regu-
lator controllers- two current mode synchronous buck regu-
lator controllers anda linear regulator controller.
The two switching regulator controllers operate 180˚ outof
phase. This feature reduces the input ripple RMS current,
resultingina smaller input filter.
The first switching controller (Channel1) featuresan Intel
mobile CPU compatible precision 5-bit digital-to-analog con-
verter which programs the output voltage from 0.925Vto
2.00V.Itis also compatible with the dynamic VID require-
ments. The second switching controller (Channel2)is ad-
justable between 1.25Vto 6.0V.
Useof synchronous rectification and pulse-skip operationat
light load achieves high efficiency overa wide load range.
Fixed-frequency operation canbe obtainedby disabling the
pulse-skip mode.
Current-mode feedback control assures excellent line and
load regulation anda wide loop bandwidth for good re-
sponseto fast load transient events. Current mode controlis
achieved through sensingthe Vdsof thetop FET and thus external sense resistoris not necessary. power good signalis availableto indicate the general
healthof the output voltages. unique featureis the analog soft-startfor the switching
controllersis independentofthe slew rateof the input volt-
age. Thiswill make the soft start behavior more predictable
and controllable.An internal5Vrailis available externallyfor
boot-strap circuitry (only) whenno5Vis available from other
Current limitfor eitherof the two switching channelsis
achieved through sensingthe top FET VDS andthe valueis
adjustable. The two switching controllers have under-voltage
and over-voltage latch protections, and the linear regulator
has under-voltage latch protection. Under-voltage latch can disabledor delayedbya programmable amountof time.
The input voltageforthe switching channels ranges from5V 30V, which makes possiblethe choiceof different battery
chemistries and options.
GENERAL Three regulated output voltages 4.5Vto 30V input range Power good function Input under-voltage lockout Thermal shutdown Tiny TSSOP package
SWITCHING SECTION Two channels operating 180˚ outof phase Separate on/off controlfor each channel Current mode control without sense resistor Skip-mode operation available Adjustable cycle-by-cycle current limit Negative current limit Analog soft start independentof input voltage slew rate Power ground pins separate Output UVP and OVP Programmable output UVP delay 250kHz switching frequency (for Vin< 17V) Channel1 output from 0.925Vto 2.00V ±1.5% DAC accuracy from 0˚Cto 125˚C ±1.7% initial tolerancefor Channel2 Dynamic VID change ready Power good flags VID changes Channel2 output from 1.3Vto 6.0V
LINEAR SECTION Output voltage adjustable 50mA maximum driving current Output UVP ±2% initial tolerance
Applications Power supplyfor CPUsof notebook PCs that require
the SpeedStep™ technique Power supplyfor information appliances General low voltage DC/DC buck regulators
August 2001