LM2623MM/NOPB ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost Converter 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2623 is a high-efficiency, general-purpose,1• Good Efficiency Over a Ve ..
LM2623MMX ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost Converterapplications, the LM2623n .8V to 14V Operating Voltageallows the designer to vary the output voltag ..
LM2623MMX ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost ConverterFeaturesn Good Efficiency Over a Very Wide Load RangeThe LM2623 is a high efficiency, general purpo ..
LM2623MMX/NOPB ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost Converter 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Block Diagram..... 711.7 Glossary. 147.3 Feature Description...... 712 Mechanical, Packaging, And O ..
LM2630MTC-ADJ ,Synchronous Step-Down Voltage Regulator [Not recommended for new designs]Applicationstures include the external synchronization pin, and then Notebook and subnotebook compu ..
LM2631MTC-ADJ ,Synchronous Step-Down Voltage Regulator [Not recommended for new designs]Electrical Characteristics=Specifications in standard type face are for T 25˚C and those with boldf ..
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LM4898 ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4898 d ..
LM4898ITL ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Selectfeatures an internal thermaln Shutdown high or low selectivityshutdown protection mechanism.The LM4 ..
LM4898ITLX ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4898 d ..
LM4898LD ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectLM4898 1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectJuly 2003LM48981 Watt Fu ..
General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost Converter 14-WSON -40 to 85
2 Cells
Tools &
Support &
LM2623 General-Purpose, Gated-Oscillator-Based DC-DC Boost Converter Features Good Efficiency Overa Very Wide Load Range Very Low Output Voltage Ripple Upto 2-MHz Switching Frequency 0.8-Vto 14-V Operating Voltage 1.1-V Start-up Voltage 1.24-Vto 14-V Adjustable Output Voltage Upto 2-A Load Currentat Low Output Voltages 0.17-Ω Internal MOSFET Upto 90% Regulator Efficiency 80-µA Typical Operating Current (Into VDD Pinof
Supply) < 2.5-µA Ensured Supply CurrentIn Shutdown Small 8-Pin VSSOP Package (Half the Footprint Standard 8-Pin SOIC Package); 1.09-mm
Package Height 4-mm× 4-mm Thermally Enhanced WSON
Package Option
Applications Cameras, Pagers and Cell Phones PDAs, Palmtop Computers, GPS devices White LED Drive, TFT,or Scanned LCDs Flash Memory Programming Hand-Held Instruments 1,2,3,or4 Cell Alkaline Systems 1,2,or3 Cell Lithium-ion Systems
DescriptionThe LM2623isa high-efficiency, general-purpose,
step-up DC-DC switching regulator for battery-
powered and low input voltage systems.It acceptsan
input voltage between 0.8V and14V and convertsit
intoa regulated output voltage between 1.24V andV. Efficiencies upto 90% are achievable with the
LM2623. orderto adapttoa numberof applications, the
LM2623 allows the designer to vary the output
voltage, the operating frequency (300 kHzto2 MHz)
and duty cycle (17%to 90%)to optimize the part's
performance. The selected values canbe fixedor can
vary with battery voltageor inputto output voltage
ratio. The LM2623 usesa very simple, on/off
regulation mode to produce good efficiency and
stable operation overa wide operating range.It
normally regulatesby skipping switching cycles when reaches the regulation limit (Pulse Frequency
Note: See Non-Linear Effect and Choosing The
Correct C3 Capacitor so that any challenges with
designing with this part can be taken into account
beforea board design/layoutis finalized.
For alternative solutions, See Also: LM2700, LM2622,
LM2731, LM2733, and LM2621.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application Circuit