LM2621MMX/NOPB ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2621 is a high efficiency, step-up DC-DC1• Small VSSOP8 Package (Half t ..
LM2622MM-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM2622MMX-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM2622MMX-ADJ/NOPB ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC Converter 8-VSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM2622 is a step-up DC/DC converter with a2• 1.6A, 0.2Ω, Internal Switch1.6 ..
LM2623ALD ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost ConverterApplicationsceduresectionofthisdatasheet,sothatanychallengeswithn Cameras, Pagers and Cell Phonesde ..
LM2623ALD ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost Converterapplications, the LM2623n .8V to 14V Operating Voltageallows the designer to vary the output voltag ..
LM4893ITLX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures an internalturn-on and turn-off transitionsthermal shutdown protection mechanism.n 2.2V - ..
LM4893MA ,1.1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures a low-power consumption global shut-n BTL output can drive capacitive loads up to 100pFdow ..
LM4893MAX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics V =5V (Notes 1, 2)DDThe following specifications apply for the circuit s ..
LM4893MAX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4893 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj Im ..
LM4894IBP ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Selectfeatures a low-power consumption shutdownn No output coupling capacitors, snubber networks ormode. ..
LM4894IBPX ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectGeneral Description Power Output at 5.0V & 1% THD 1.0W(typ)jThe LM4894 is a fully differential audi ..
Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC 8-VSSOP -40 to 85
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LM2621 Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC Converter Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2621isa high efficiency, step-up DC-DC Small VSSOP8 Package (Half the Footprintof switching regulator for battery-powered and low inputStandard 8-Pin SOIC Package) voltage systems.It accepts an input voltage between• 1.09-mm Package Height 1.2V and14V and convertsit intoa regulated output Upto 2-MHz Switching Frequency voltage. The output voltage canbe adjusted between
1.24V and14V.It hasan internal 0.17-Ω N-Channel• 1.2-Vto 14-V Input Voltage MOSFET power switch. Efficiencies upto 90% are• 1.24-Vto 14-V Adjustable Output Voltage achievable using the LM2621.• Upto 1A Load Current The high switching frequency (adjustable upto2• 0.17-Ω Internal MOSFET MHz)of the LM2621 allows for tiny surface mount• Upto 90% Regulator Efficiency inductors and capacitors. Because of the unique
constant-duty-cycle gated oscillator topology very• 80-µA Typical Operating Current high efficiencies are realized overa wide load range.• < 2.5-µA Specified Supply CurrentIn Shutdown The supply currentis reducedto 80 µA becauseof
the BiCMOS process technology. In the shutdown
2 Applications mode, the supply currentis less than 2.5 µA. PDAs, Cellular Phones The LM2621is availableina VSSOP-8 package.• 2-Cell and 3-Cell Battery-Operated Equipment This package uses half the board areaofa standard
8-pin SOIC and hasa heightof just 1.09 mm.• PCMCIA Cards, Memory Cards Flash Memory Programming
Device Information(1) TFT/LCD Applications• 3.3-Vto 5.0-V Conversion GPS Devices (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat• Two-Way Pagers the endofthe datasheet. Palmtop Computers Hand-Held Instruments
Typical Application Circuit