LM2621MMX ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DCElectrical CharacteristicsLimits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C, and limits in boldface type ..
LM2621MMX/NOPB ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2621 is a high efficiency, step-up DC-DC1• Small VSSOP8 Package (Half t ..
LM2622MM-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM2622MMX-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM2622MMX-ADJ/NOPB ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC Converter 8-VSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM2622 is a step-up DC/DC converter with a2• 1.6A, 0.2Ω, Internal Switch1.6 ..
LM2623ALD ,General Purpose, Gated Oscillator Based, DC/DC Boost ConverterApplicationsceduresectionofthisdatasheet,sothatanychallengeswithn Cameras, Pagers and Cell Phonesde ..
LM4893ITL ,1.1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4893 d ..
LM4893ITLX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures an internalturn-on and turn-off transitionsthermal shutdown protection mechanism.n 2.2V - ..
LM4893MA ,1.1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures a low-power consumption global shut-n BTL output can drive capacitive loads up to 100pFdow ..
LM4893MAX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics V =5V (Notes 1, 2)DDThe following specifications apply for the circuit s ..
LM4893MAX ,1.1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4893 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj Im ..
LM4894IBP ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Selectfeatures a low-power consumption shutdownn No output coupling capacitors, snubber networks ormode. ..
Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC
Low Input V oltage, Step-Up DC-DC Converter
General DescriptionThe LM2621isa high efficiency, step-up DC-DC switching
regulatorfor battery-powered andlow input voltage systems. acceptsan input voltage between 1.2V and 14V and con-
vertsit intoa regulated output voltage. The output voltage
canbe adjusted between 1.24V and 14V.It hasan internal
0.17Ω N-Channel MOSFET power switch. Efficienciesupto
90% are achievable using the LM2621.
The high switching frequency (adjustableupto 2MHz)ofthe
LM2621 allowsfor tiny surface mount inductors and capaci-
tors. Becauseofthe unique constant-duty-cycle gated oscil-
lator topology very high efficienciesare realized overa wide
load range. The supply currentis reducedto 80μA becausethe BiCMOS process technology.Inthe shutdown mode,
the supply currentis less than 2.5μA.
The LM2621is availableina Mini-SO-8 package. This pack-
age uses halfthe board areaofa standard 8-pinSO and has heightof just 1.09 mm.
Features Small Mini-SO8 Package (Halfthe Footprintof Standard
8-Pin SO Package) 1.09 mm Package Height Upto2 MHz Switching Frequency 1.2Vto 14V Input Voltage 1.24V- 14V Adjustable Output Voltage Upto1A Load Current 0.17Ω Internal MOSFET Upto 90% Regulator Efficiency80μA Typical Operating Current <2.5μA Guaranteed Supply CurrentIn Shutdown
Applications PDAs, Cellular Phones 2-Cell and 3-Cell Battery-Operated Equipment PCMCIA Cards, Memory Cards Flash Memory Programming TFT/LCD Applications 3.3Vto 5.0V Conversion GPS Devices Two-Way Pagers Palmtop Computers Hand-Held Instruments
Typical Application CircuitDS100934-12
February 2000