LM2619ATLX ,500mA Sub-Miniature Step-Down DC-DC ConverterGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Operates from a single LiION cell (2.8V to 5.5V)The LM2619 ..
LM2621MM ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DCLM2621 Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC ConverterFebruary 2000LM2621Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-D ..
LM2621MMX ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DCElectrical CharacteristicsLimits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C, and limits in boldface type ..
LM2621MMX/NOPB ,Low Input Voltage, Step-Up DC-DC 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2621 is a high efficiency, step-up DC-DC1• Small VSSOP8 Package (Half t ..
LM2622MM-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM2622MMX-ADJ ,600kHz/1.3MHz Step-up PWM DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1V Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of the ..
LM4891MMX ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierLM4891 1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierOctober 2002LM48911 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
LM4891MX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures a low-power consumption shutdownturn-on and turn-off transitionsmode, which is achieved by ..
LM4892IBP ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone Senseapplications. It is capable ofjdelivering 1 watt of continuous average power to an 8Ω BTL Power Out ..
LM4892IBPX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseFeaturesBoomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically to n Available in space-saving pack ..
LM4892ITPX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseApplicationsexternal gain-setting resistors.n Mobile Phonesn PDAsn Portable electronic devicesTypic ..
LM4892M ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4892 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj PS ..
500mA Sub-Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter
500mA Sub-Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter
General DescriptionThe LM2619 step down DC-DC converteris optimizedfor
powering circuits froma single Lithium-Ion cell.It steps down input voltageof 2.8Vto 5.5Vtoan outputof 1.5Vto 3.6Vupto 500mA. Output voltageisset using resistor feedback
The device offers three modesfor mobile phones and similar
portable applications. Fixed-frequency PWM mode mini-
mizesRF interference.A SYNC input allows synchronizing
the switching frequencyina rangeof 500kHzto 1MHz. Low
current hysteretic PFM mode reduces quiescent currentto
160µA (typ.). Shutdown mode turns the deviceoff andre-
duces battery consumptionto 0.02µA (typ.).
Current limit and thermal shutdown features protect the de-
vice and system during fault conditions.
The LM2619is availableina10 bump micro SMD package.
This packaging uses National’s chip-scale micro SMD tech-
nology and offersthe smallest possible size.Ahigh switching
frequency (600kHz) allows useof tiny surface-mount com-
The device features external compensationto tailorthere-
sponsetoa wide rangeof operating conditions.
Key Specifications Operates froma single LiION cell (2.8Vto 5.5V) Output voltage (1.5Vto 3.6V) ±1% DC feedback voltage precision 500mA maximum load capability 600µAtyp PWM mode quiescent current 0.02µAtyp shutdown current 600kHz PWM switching frequency SYNC inputfor PWM mode frequency synchronization
from 500kHzto 1MHz High efficiency (96%typat 3.9VIN, 3.6VOUT and 200mA) PWM mode from internal synchronous rectification 100% Maximum Duty Cyclefor Lowest Dropout
Features Sub-miniature 10-bump thin micro SMD package Uses small ceramic capacitors 5mVtyp PWM mode output voltage ripple(COUT= 22µF) Internal soft start Current overload protection Thermal Shutdown External compensation
Applications Mobile Phones Hand-Held Radios RF PC Cards Wireless LAN Cards
October 2003