LM2612ABLX ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage CircuitsPin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name FunctionA1 FB Feedback Analog Input. Connect to the output at th ..
LM2612ABP ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage CircuitsPin DescriptionPin Number(*) Pin Name FunctionA1 FB Feedback Analog Input. Connect to the output at ..
LM2612ABPX ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage CircuitsFeaturesLow-currenthystereticPFMmodereducesquiescentcurrentn Sub-miniature 10-pin micro SMD package ..
LM2612BBL ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage CircuitsGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Operates from a single LiION cell (2.8V to 5.5V)The LM2612 ..
LM2612BBP ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage Circuitsfeaturesincludesoftstartandcurrentn Uses small ceramic capacitors.overload protection.n Internal so ..
LM2612BBPX ,400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage Circuitsapplications during full-power operation. In PWM mode, in-n SYNC input for PWM mode frequency synch ..
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LM4890MX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierapplications in mobile phones and other por-j Power Output at 5.0V & 1% THD 1W(typ.)table communica ..
LM4891LD ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeaturesaninternalther-n No output coupling capacitors, snubber networks ormal shutdown protection ..
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400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low-Voltage Circuits
400mA Sub-miniature, Programmable, Step-Down DC-DC
Converter for Ultra Low-V oltage Circuits
General DescriptionThe LM2612 step-down DC-DC converteris optimizedfor
powering ultra-low voltage circuits froma single Lithium-Ion
cell.It providesupto 400mA (300mAforB grade), overan
input voltage rangeof 2.8Vto 5.5V. Pin programmable out-
put voltagesof 1.05V, 1.3V, 1.5Vor 1.8V allow adjustment
for MPU voltage options without board redesignor external
feedback resistors.
The device has three pin-selectable modesfor maximizing
batterylifein mobile phones and similar portable applica-
tions. Low-noise PWM mode offers 600kHz fixed-frequency
operationto reduce interferenceinRF and data acquisition
applications during full-power operation.In PWM mode,in-
ternal synchronous rectification provides high efficiency
(91% typ.at 1.8VOUT).A SYNC input allows synchronizing
the switching frequencyina rangeof 500kHzto 1MHzto
avoid noise from intermodulation with system frequencies.
Low-current hysteretic PFM mode reduces quiescent current 160 µA (typ.) during system standby. Shutdown mode
turns the deviceoff and reduces battery consumptionto
0.02µA (typ.). Additional features include soft start and cur-
rent overload protection.
The LM2612is availableina10pin micro SMD packge. This
package uses National’s wafer level chip-scale micro SMD
technology and offers the smallest possible size. Only three
small external surface-mount components,an inductor and
two ceramic capacitors are required.
Key Specifications Operates froma single LiION cell (2.8Vto 5.5V) Internal synchronous rectificationfor high PWM mode
efficiency Pin programmable output voltage (1.05V, 1.3V, 1.5V and
1.8V) 400mA maximum load capability (300mAforB grade) ±2% PWM mode DC output voltage precision 5mVtyp PWM mode output voltage ripple 160µAtyp PFM mode quiescent current 0.02µAtyp shutdown mode current 600kHz PWM mode switching frequency SYNC inputfor PWM mode frequency synchronization
from 500kHzto 1MHz
Features Sub-miniature 10-pin micro SMD package Only three tiny surface-mount external components
required Uses small ceramic capacitors Internal soft start Current overload protection No external compensation required Thermal shutdown protection
Applications Mobile Phones Hand-Held Radios Battery Powered Devices
Typical Application CircuitDecember 2002