LM2601MTC ,Adapter Interface Circuit [Not recommended for new designs]Pin DescriptionPin No. Name Function1 MPS DELAY A capacitor between this pin and ground sets the de ..
LM2608ATL-1.3 ,400mA Sub-miniature, High Efficiency, Programmable DC-DC Converter with Linear ModeFeaturesinput allows synchronizing the switching frequency in an Sub-miniature 10-pin thin Micro SM ..
LM2608ATL-1.8 ,400mA Sub-miniature, High Efficiency, Programmable DC-DC Converter with Linear ModeApplicationsmount components. Only four small external surface-mountn Mobile Phonescomponents, an i ..
LM2608ATLX-1.3 ,400mA Sub-miniature, High Efficiency, Programmable DC-DC Converter with Linear ModeGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Operates from a single LiION cell (2.8V to 5.5V)The LM2608 ..
LM2611AMF ,1.4MHz Cuk ConverterPin DescriptionPin Name Function1 SW Drain of internal switch. Connect at the node of the input ind ..
LM2611AMFX ,1.4MHz Cuk ConverterBlock Diagram20018101 2LM2611LM2611Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)Hum ..
LM4890IBPX ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4890 d ..
LM4890ITLX ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4890 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj PS ..
LM4890ITPX ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierLM4890 1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierAugust 2004LM48901 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
LM4890LD ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierapplications in mobile phones and other por-j Power Output at 5.0V & 1% THD 1W(typ.)table communica ..
LM4890LD ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4890 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj PS ..
LM4890LD ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures an internal ther-n No output coupling capacitors, snubber networks ormal shutdown protecti ..
Adapter Interface Circuit [Not recommended for new designs]
Adapter Interface Circuit
General DescriptionThe Adapter Interface Circuit (AIC)is usedto sense the
presenceofan external power sourcefora portable com-
puter.It notifies the computerifa sourceis present and
indicatesif the sourceis appropriatefor charging battery
packs insidethe computer. The AIC also sensesan adapter
current andits direction. AIC isolatesthe adapter and signals
the computer when peak current thresholdis exceeded.
LM2601 drives P-channel FETs. No high current rated
Schottky diodeis requiredto implementan adapter switcho-
ver circuit. This significantly decreases additional heat dissi-
pation during simultaneous fast battery charging while run-
ninga computer, particularlyin Maximum Performance
modeof operation
Features Detectsan AC-DC adapter suitablefor battery chargingan airplaneorcar power line adapter that shouldnot usedfor battery charging Allows the implementationof intelligent switchover
circuitsfor portable systems LM2601 shuts down automatically when adapteris
removed Low leakage current from battery when not powered Drives P-channel FETs,no Schottky diodes are required No reverse inrush current from battery into the adapter
output capacitance Allowsfor battery capacity gas-gauge calibration under
system software/firmware control Adapter over current threshold programmable with
external resistors Wide input range:5V- 24V Availablein TSSOP-14 package
Applications Portable Computers Portable IAs (Internet Appliances, Information
Appliances) Other Battery Powered Devices
Block DiagramApril 2001