LM2596 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 3A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorFeaturesableinfixedoutputvoltagesof3.3V,5V,12V,andanadjust-Y3.3V, 5V, 12V, and adjustable output ve ..
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LM2596R-5.0 , 3.0A, 150Khz, Step-Down Switching Regulator
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LM2596S3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulatorfeatures include a two stage frequencyreducing current limit for the output switch and an overtempe ..
LM2596S-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulatorfeatures include a guaranteed ±4% tolerance on out-n Positive to negative converterput voltage unde ..
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LM4871LD/NOPB ,Boomer Series: 3W Audio Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics (continued)The following specifications apply for V = 5V and R = 8Ω unle ..
LM4871M ,3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeLM4871 3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeJanuary 2003LM48713W Audio Power Amplifier with S ..
LM4871MM ,3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeGeneral Description Key Specificationsn PO at 10% THD+N, 1kHzThe LM4871 is a mono bridged audio pow ..
LM4871MM/NOPB ,Boomer Series: 3W Audio Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85features include thermal shutdown– LM4871LD: 3Ω , 4Ω Loads; 3W (typ),protection, unity-gain stabili ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator
February 1996
LM2596 SIMPLE SWITCHERÉ Power Converter
150 kHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator
General Description
The LM2596 seriesof regulatorsare monolithic integrated
circuitsthat provideallthe active functionsfora step-down
(buck) switching regulator, capableof drivinga3A loadwith
excellentlineand load regulation. These devicesare avail-
able infixed output voltagesof 3.3V,5V, 12V,and anadjust-
able output version.
Requiringa minimum numberof external components,
these regulatorsare simpletouseand include internalfre-
quency compensation²,anda fixed-frequency oscillator.
The LM2596 series operatesata switching frequencyof
150kHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than
what wouldbe neededwith lower frequency switching regu-
lators. Availableina standard 5-lead TO-220 packagewith
several different lead bend options, anda 5-lead TO-263
surface mount package. standard seriesof inductorsare available from several
different manufacturers optimizedforuse withthe LM2596
series. This feature greatly simplifiesthe designof switch-
mode power supplies.
Otherfeatures includea guaranteed g4% tolerance onout-
put voltage under specified input voltageand output load
conditions,and g15%onthe oscillator frequency. External
shutdownis included, featuring typically80mA standbycur-
rent.Self protection features includeatwo stage frequency
reducing current limitforthe output switch andan over
temperature shutdownfor complete protection under fault
Features 3.3V,5V, 12V,and adjustable output versions Adjustable version output voltage range, 1.2Vto 37V
g4% max overlineand load conditions Availablein TO-220and TO-263 packages Guaranteed3A output load current Input voltage rangeupto 40V Requires only4 external components Excellentlineand load regulation specifications 150 kHz fixed frequency internal oscillator TTL shutdown capability Low power standby mode,IQ typically80mA High efficiency Uses readily available standard inductors Thermal shutdownand current limit protection
Applications Simple high-efficiency step-down (buck) regulator On-card switching regulators Positiveto negative converter
Typical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)
Connection Diagrams and Ordering Information
Bentand Staggered Leads, Through Hole Package
5-Lead TO-220(T)
Order Number LM2596T-3.3,LM2596T-5.0,
LM2596T-12or LM2596T-ADJ
SeeNS Package Number T05D
SurfaceMount Package
5-Lead TO-263(S)
Order Number LM2596S-3.3,LM2596S-5.0,
SeeNS Package Number TS5B
²Patent Number 5,382,918.
SIMPLE SWITCHERÉ andSwitchers MadeSimpleÉ areregistered trademarks ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M26/PrintedinU.S.A.