LM2595S-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and adjustable output versionsThe LM2595 series of regulators are monolith ..
LM2595S-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulatorfeatures include a two stage frequency reducing current limit for the output switch andan overtempe ..
LM2595S-ADJ/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2595 series of regulators are monolithic1• 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V, and Adjust ..
LM2595SX-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T = 25˚C, and those with b ..
LM2595SX-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics=Specifications with standard type face are for T 25˚C, and those with bo ..
LM2595SX-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorLM2595 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 1A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorMay 1999LM2595®SIMPLE ..
LM4866MTX ,2.2W Stereo Audio AmplifierFeaturesconsumptionshutdownmode,andthermalshutdownprotec-n Stereo BTL amplifier modetion. It also u ..
LM4867 ,Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor Stereo Headphone FunctionApplicationsmode, and thermal shutdown protection.n Multimedia monitorsNote 1: An LM4867LQ or LM486 ..
LM4867LQ ,Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor Stereo Headphone FunctionLM4867 Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor StereoHeadphone F ..
LM4867MT ,Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor Stereo Headphone Functionfeatures an externally controlled power-saving
LM4867MT ,Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor Stereo Headphone FunctionFeaturespin allows selection between the two sets of stereo inputsignals. The MUX control can also ..
LM4867MTE ,Output-Transient-Free Dual 2.1W Audio Amplifier Plus No Coupling Capacitor Stereo Headphone FunctionGeneral Description Key Specificationsn P at 1% THD+NThe LM4867 is a dual bridge-connected audio po ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator
SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Converter 150 kHz Step-Down Voltage Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2595 seriesof regulatorsare monolithic integrated
circuitsthat provideallthe active functionsfora step-down
(buck) switching regulator, capableof drivinga1A load with
excellentlineand load regulation. These devicesare avail-
ablein fixed output voltagesof 3.3V,5V, 12V,andan adjust-
able output version.
Requiringa minimum numberof externalcomponents, these
regulatorsare simpletouseand include internal frequency
compensation†,anda fixed-frequency oscillator.
The LM2595 series operatesata switching frequencyof
150 kHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than
what wouldbe neededwith lower frequency switching regu-
lators. Availableina standard 5-lead TO-220 package with
several different lead bend options, anda 5-lead TO-263
surface mount package. Typically,for output voltages less
than 12V,and ambienttemperaturesless than 50˚C, noheat
sinkis required. standard seriesof inductorsare available from severaldif-
ferent manufacturers optimizedforusewiththe LM2595se-
ries. This feature greatly simplifies the designof
switch-mode power supplies.
Other features includea guaranteed ±4% toleranceonout-
put voltage under specified input voltage and output load
conditions,and ±15%onthe oscillator frequency. External
shutdownis included, featuring typically85 μAstand-bycur-
rent. Self protection features includeatwo stage frequency
reducing current limitforthe output switchandan over tem-
perature shutdownfor complete protectionunder fault condi-
Features 3.3V,5V, 12V,and adjustable output versions Adjustable version output voltage range, 1.2Vto37V
±4% max overlineand load conditions Availablein TO-220and TO-263 (surface mount)
packages Guaranteed1A output load current Input voltage rangeupto 40V Requires only4 external components Excellentlineand load regulation specifications 150 kHz fixed frequency internal oscillator TTL shutdown capability Low power standby mode,IQ typically85μA High efficiency Uses readily available standard inductors Thermal shutdownand currentlimit protection
Applications Simple high-efficiency step-down (buck) regulator Efficient pre-regulatorfor linear regulators On-card switching regulators Positiveto negative converter
Note:† Patent Number5,382,918.
Typical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)
Simple®are registeredtrademarksofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
May 1999
Regulator 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012565