LM2594M-5.0/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 40V, 500mA Low Component Count Step-Down Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2594xx series of regulators are monolithic1• 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V, and Adju ..
LM2594M-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorFeaturesstep-down (buck) switching regulator, capable of driving an 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and adjustable o ..
LM2594M-ADJ/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 40V, 500mA Low Component Count Step-Down Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum RatingsMIN MAX UNITLM2594 45Supply voltage VLM2594HV 60ON/OFF pin input voltage−0.3 25 VFee ..
LM2594MX-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorGeneral Descriptionup to 60V.The LM2594/LM2594HV series of regulators are monolithicintegrated circ ..
LM2594MX-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorLM2594/LM2594HV SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 0.5A Step-Down VoltageRegulatorDecember 199 ..
LM2594MX-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T = 25˚C, and those with b ..
LM4864MMX ,300 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeGeneral Description LM4864M & LM4864N,8Ω load 675mW (typ)LM4864MM, 8Ω load (Note 10) 300mW (typ)The ..
LM4864MMX/NOPB ,300 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics V = 5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V, for all available ..
LM4864MMX/NOPB ,300 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85features an externally controlled, low• General purpose audiopower consumption shutdown mode, and t ..
LM4864MX ,300 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeFeaturesoptimally suited for low-power portable
LM4864N ,300 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeElectrical Characteristics V =5V (Note 1) (Note 2)DDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V, ..
LM4865 ,750 mW Audio Power Amplifier with DC Volume Control and Headphone SwitchApplicationsn Thermal shutdown protectionn GSM phones and accessories, DECT, office phonesn Hand he ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER? 40V, 500mA Low Component Count Step-Down Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125
Sample &
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LM2594, LM2594HV SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Converter 150-kHz 0.5-A Step-Down
Voltage Regulator Features 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range: 1.2V37V (57Vfor the HV Version), ±4% Maximum
Over Line and Load Conditions Availablein 8-Pin Surface-Mount SOIC and 8-Pin
PDIP Packages Ensured 0.5-A Output Current Input Voltage Rangeupto60V Requires Only4 External Components 150-kHz Fixed-Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability Low Power Standby Mode,IQ Typically85 μA High Efficiency Uses Readily-Available Standard Inductors Thermal Shutdown and Current-Limit Protection
Applications Simple High-Efficiency Step-Down (Buck)
Regulator Efficient Preregulator for Linear Regulators On-Card Switching Regulators Positive-to-Negative Convertor
DescriptionThe LM2594xx seriesof regulators are monolithic
integrated circuits that provideall the active functions
fora step-down (buck) switching regulator, capableof
drivinga 0.5-A load with excellent line and load
regulation. These devices are availablein fixed output
voltagesof 3.3V,5V,12V, and an adjustable output
version, and are packagedina 8-pin PDIP anda8-
pin surface-mount SOIC package.
Requiring a minimum number of external
components, these regulators are simpleto use and
feature internal frequency compensation,a fixed-
frequency oscillator, and improved line and load
regulation specifications.
The LM2594xx series operates at a switching
frequency of 150-kHz, thus allowing smaller-sized
filter components than what would be needed with
lower-frequency switching regulators. Becauseofits
high efficiency, the copper traces on the printed-
circuit board are normally the only heat sinking
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application