LM2588T-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with ShutdownFeaturesn Requires few external componentsThe LM2588 series of regulators are monolithic integrated ..
LM2588T-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with Shutdownfeatures include soft start mode to reduce in-rush cur-rent during start up, and current mode contr ..
LM2588T-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with ShutdownLM2588 SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with ShutdownApril 1998LM2588®SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flybac ..
LM2588T-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with ShutdownElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T = 25˚C, and those in bol ..
LM258A ,Dual Operational AmplifierABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter LM158,A LM258,A LM358,A UnitV Supply voltage +32 V ..
LM4838MT ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainGeneral Description Key Specificationsn P at 1% THD+NThe LM4838 is a monolithic integrated circuit ..
LM4838MTE ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainGeneral Description Key Specificationsn P at 1% THD+NThe LM4838 is a monolithic integrated circuit ..
LM4838MTEX ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainLM4838 Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainNovember 2004LM48 ..
LM4838MTEX/NOPB ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable Gain 28-HTSSOP -40 to 85features an externally controlled, low-power consumption shutdown mode, and both a• Portable Radios ..
LM4838MTX ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainApplicationsLM4838ITL will deliver 1.1W into 8Ω. See Application Information sectionExposed-DAP pac ..
LM4839LQ ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control, Bass Boost, and Input Muxfeatures an externally controlled, low-powern Stereo switchable bridged/single-ended power amplifie ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER 5A Flyback Regulator with Shutdown
SIMPLE SWITCHER® 5A Flyback Regulator with
General DescriptionThe LM2588 seriesof regulatorsare monolithic integrated
circuits specificallydesignedfor flyback,step-up(boost),and
forward converter applications.The deviceis availablein4
differentoutputvoltageversions: 3.3V,5.0V,12V,and adjust-
Requiringa minimum numberof externalcomponents, these
regulatorsare cost effective,and simpleto use. Includedin
the datasheetare typical circuitsof boostand flybackregula-
tors.Also listed areselector guidesfor diodes andcapacitors
anda familyof standard inductorsand flyback transformers
designedto work with these switching regulators.
The power switchisa 5.0A NPN devicethatcan stand-off
65V. Protectingthe power switchare current and thermal
limiting circuits,andan undervoltage lockout circuit. ThisIC
containsan adjustable frequency oscillatorthatcanbe pro-
grammed upto200 kHz.The oscillatorcan alsobe synchro-
nized with other devices,sothat multiple devicescan oper-
ateatthe same switching frequency.
Other features includesoft start modeto reduce in-rushcur-
rent during startup,and current mode controlfor improved
rejectionof input voltage and output load transients and
cycle-by-cycle current limiting.The device alsohasa shut-
downpin,so thatitcanbe turnedoff externally.An output
voltage toleranceof ±4%,within specified input voltagesand
output load conditions,is guaranteedforthe power supply
Features Requiresfew external components Familyof standard inductorsand transformers NPN output switches 5.0A,can standoff 65V Wide input voltage range:4Vto 40V Adjustable switching frequency:100 kHzto200kHz External shutdown capability Draws less than60μA when shut down Frequency synchronization Current-mode operationfor improved transient
response,line regulation,and currentlimit Internal soft-start function reduces in-rush current during
start-up Output transistor protectedby current limit, under
voltage lockout,and thermal shutdown System output voltage toleranceof ±4% max overline
and load conditions
Typical Applications Flyback regulator Forward converter Multiple-output regulator Simple boost regulator
Flyback RegulatorSIMPLESWITCHER®andSwitchersMade
Simple®areregistered trademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
April 1998
Shutdown©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012420