LM2585SX-ADJ/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 4V to 40V, 3A Step-Up Wide Vin Flyback Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics (All Versions).(2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, ..
LM2585T-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 3-Amp Flyback Regulatorfeatures includen Flyback regulatorsoft start mode to reduce in-rush current during start up,curren ..
LM2585T-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 3-Amp Flyback RegulatorLM2585 SIMPLE SWITCHER 3A Flyback RegulatorApril 2000LM2585®SIMPLE SWITCHER 3A Flyback Regulator
LM2586S-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 3-Amp Flyback Regulatorapplications. The device is available in 4n NPN output switches 3.0A, can stand off 65Vdifferent ou ..
LM2586S-3.3 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 3-Amp Flyback RegulatorFeaturesn Requires few external componentsThe LM2586 series of regulators are monolithic integrated ..
LM2586S-5.0 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 3-Amp Flyback RegulatorFeaturesn Requires few external componentsThe LM2586 series of regulators are monolithic integrated ..
LM4835LQ ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainApplicationsNote2: An LM4835LQ and LM4835MTE that have been properly mountedto the circuit board an ..
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LM4835MTE ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainLM4835 Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainFebruary 2003LM48 ..
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LM4835MTX ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control and Selectable GainGeneral Description Key Specificationsn P at 1% THD+NThe LM4835 is a monolithic integrated circuit ..
LM4836LQ ,Stereo 2W Audio Power Amplifiers with DC Volume Control, Bass Boost, and Input MuxApplicationsn Portable and Desktop Computersn Multimedia Monitorsn Portable Radios, PDAs, and Porta ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER? 4V to 40V, 3A Step-Up Wide Vin Flyback Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
www.ti.com SNVS120F–APRIL 2000–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM2585 SIMPLE SWITCHER® 3A Flyback Regulator
Checkfor Samples: LM2585
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM2585 series of regulators are monolithic
234• Requires Few External Components integrated circuits specifically designed for flyback,
• Familyof Standard Inductors and step-up (boost), and forward converter applications.
Transformers The deviceis availablein4 different output voltage
NPN Output Switches 3.0A, Can Stand Off 65V versions: 3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, and adjustable.
Wide Input Voltage Range: 4Vto 40V Requiring a minimum number of external
components, these regulators are cost effective, and
• Current-mode Operation for Improvedsimpleto use. Includedin the datasheet are typical
Transient Response, Line Regulation, and circuitsof boost and flyback regulators. Also listed
Current Limit are selector guides for diodes and capacitors anda
• 100 kHz Switching Frequency familyof standard inductors and flyback transformers
Internal Soft-start Function Reduces In-rush designedto work with these switching regulators.
Current During Start-up The power switchisa 3.0A NPN device that can
• Output Transistor Protected by Current Limit, stand-off 65V. Protecting the power switch are current
Under Voltage Lockout, and Thermal and thermal limiting circuits, and an undervoltage
Shutdown lockout circuit. This IC containsa 100 kHz fixed-
frequency internal oscillator that permits the useof
• System Output Voltage Toleranceof ±4% Max small magnetics. Other features include soft start
Over Line and Load Conditions mode to reduce in-rush current during start up,
current mode control for improved rejectionof input
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS voltage and output load transients and cycle-by-cycle
Flyback Regulator current limiting. An output voltage toleranceof ±4%,
within specified input voltages and output load
• Multiple-output Regulator conditions,is specified for the power supply system.
• Simple Boost Regulator Forward Converter
Connection Diagrams
Figure3. Bent, Staggered Leads
5-Lead TO-220
Side View Staggered Leads See NDH005D Package TO-220
See KTT Package