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Switching Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125
LM2578A, LM3578A
www.ti.com SNVS767E –AUGUST 2000–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM2578A/LM3578A Switching Regulator
Checkfor Samples: LM2578A, LM3578A
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM2578Aisa switching regulator which can
Inverting and Non-Inverting Feedback Inputs easily be set up for such DC-to-DC voltage
• 1.0V Referenceat Inputs conversion circuits as the buck, boost, and inverting
Operates from Supply Voltagesof 2Vto 40V configurations. The LM2578A features a unique
comparator input stage which not only has separate
• Output Current upto 750 mA, Saturation Less pins for both the inverting and non-inverting inputs,
than 0.9V but also provides an internal 1.0V referenceto each
• Current Limit and Thermal Shut Down input, thereby simplifying circuit design and p.c. board
Duty Cycle upto 90% layout. The output can switch upto 750 mA and has
output pins for its collector and emitterto promote
design flexibility. An external current limit terminal
APPLICATIONSmay be referencedto either the groundor the Vin
• Switching Regulatorsin Buck, Boost, terminal, depending upon the application.In addition,
Inverting, and Single-Ended Transformer the LM2578A has an on board oscillator, which sets
Configurations the switching frequency with a single external
capacitor from<1 Hzto 100 kHz (typical).
• Motor Speed Control Lamp Flasher The LM2578Ais an improved versionof the LM2578,
offering higher maximum ratings for the total supply
voltage and output transistor emitter and collector
Connection Diagram
Figure1. PDIP/SOIC Package
See Package Number D0008Aor P0008E