LM2577MX-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage Regulatorfeatures include a 52 kHzn Flyback and forward regulatorsfixed-frequency oscillator that requires n ..
LM2577MX-15 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage Regulatorfeatures include a 52 kHzn Flyback and forward regulatorsfixed-frequency oscillator that requires n ..
LM2577MX-ADJ ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics— LM1577-12, LM2577-12=Specifications with standard type face are for T 2 ..
LM2577N-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics— LM1577-12, LM2577-12=Specifications with standard type face are for T 2 ..
LM2577N-12 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Requires few external componentsThe LM1577/LM2577 are monolithic integrated circuits that ..
LM2577N-15 ,SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics— LM1577-12, LM2577-12 (Continued)=Specifications with standard type face ..
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LM4819 ,350mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Modeapplications.n General purpose audion Portable electronic devicesn Information Appliances (IA)Typic ..
SIMPLE SWITCHER Step-Up Voltage Regulator
LM1577/LM2577 Series
SIMPLE SWITCHER® Step-Up Voltage Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM1577/LM2577are monolithic integrated circuitsthat
provideallofthe power and control functionsfor step-up
(boost), flyback,and forward converter switching regulators.
The deviceis availablein three different output voltagever-
sions: 12V, 15V,and adjustable.
Requiringa minimum numberof externalcomponents, these
regulatorsare cost effective,and simpleto use. Listedinthis
data sheetarea familyof standard inductors and flyback
transformers designedto work with these switching regula-
Includedonthe chipisa 3.0A NPN switchandits associated
protection circuitry, consisting ofcurrent andthermallimiting,
and undervoltage lockout. Other features includea52 kHz
fixed-frequency oscillatorthat requiresno external compo-
nents,asoft start modeto reduce in-rush current during
start-up,and current mode controlfor improved rejectionof
input voltageand output load transients.
Features Requiresfew external components NPN output switches 3.0A,can standoff 65V Wide input voltage range: 3.5Vto 40V Current-mode operationfor improved transient
response,line regulation,and currentlimit52 kHz internal oscillator Soft-start function reduces in-rush current during start-up Output switch protectedby current limit, under-voltage
lockout,and thermal shutdown
Typical Applications Simple boost regulator Flybackand forward regulators Multiple-output regulator
Typical Application
Ordering Information
Output Voltage NSC
12V 15V ADJ Package Package
Drawing−40˚C≤TA≤ +125˚C 24-Pin Surface Mount LM2577M-12 LM2577M-15 LM2577M-ADJ M24B SO
16-Pin MoldedDIP LM2577N-12 LM2577N-15 LM2577N-ADJ N16A N
5-Lead Surface Mount LM2577S-12 LM2577S-15 LM2577S-ADJ TS5B TO-263
5-Straight Leads LM2577T-12 LM2577T-15 LM2577T-ADJ T05A TO-220
5-Bent Staggered LM2577T-12 LM2577T-15 LM2577T-ADJ T05D TO-220
Leads Flow LB03 Flow LB03 Flow LB03
−55˚C≤TA≤ +150˚C 4-Pin TO-3 LM1577K-12/883 LM1577K-15/883 LM1577K-
K04A TO-3
SIMPLESWITCHER®isaregistered trademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
Note:Pin numbers shownarefor TO-220(T) package.
June 1999
Regulator©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011468