LM2502SM ,Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and DeserializerLM2502 Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and DeserializerAugust 2005LM2502Mobile ..
LM2502SQ ,Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and DeserializerLM2502 Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and DeserializerAugust 2005LM2502Mobile ..
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LM2506GR , Low Power Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Level 0, 18-bit RGB Display Interface Serializer and Deserializer
LM4050CEM3X-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Descriptionn Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.500V,Ideal for space critical
LM4050CEM3X-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Descriptionn Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.500V,Ideal for space critical
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LM4050CEM3X-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4050 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceJuly 2004LM4050Precision Micropower Shunt Voltag ..
LM4050CEM3X-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Descriptionn Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.500V,Ideal for space critical
Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and Deserializer
Mobile Pixel Link (MPL) Display Interface Serializer and
General DescriptionThe LM2502 deviceisa dual link display interface SERDES
that adapts existing CPU/ video bussestoa low power
current-mode serial MPL link. The chipset may alsobe used
fora RGB565 application with glue logic. The interconnectis
reduced from22 signalsto only3 active signals with the
LM2502 chipset easing flex interconnect design, size and
The Master Serializer (SER) resides besidean application
processoror baseband processor and translatesa parallel
bus from LVCMOS levelsto serial MPL levelsfor transmis-
sion overa flex cable and PCB tracesto the Slave Deseri-
alizer (DES) located nearthe display module.
Dual display supportis providedfora primary and sub
display throughthe useof two ChipSelect signals.A Mode
pin selects eitherai80or m68 style interface.
The Power_Down (PD*) input controlsthe power stateofthe
MPL interface. When PD*is asserted, the MD1/0 and MC
signals are powered downto save current.
The LM2502 implementsthe physical layerofthe MPL Stan-
dard (MPL-0). The LM2502is offeredin NOPB (Lead-free)
UFBGA and LLP packages.
Features >300 Mbps Dual Link Raw Throughput MPL Physical Layer (MPL-0) Pin selectable Master/ Slave mode Frequency Reference Transport Complete LVCMOS/ MPL Translation Interface Modes: 16-bit CPU,i80or m68 style RGB565 with glue logic −30˚Cto 85˚C Operating Range Link power down mode reduces IDDZ<10µA Dual Display Support (CS1*& CS2*) Via-less MPL interconnect feature 3.0V Supply Voltage (VDD and VDDA) Interfacesto 1.7Vto 3.3V Logic (VDDIO)
System Benefits Small Interface Low Power Low EMI Frequency Reference Transport Intrinsic Level Translation
Typical Application DiagramOrdering Information
NSID Package Type PackageID
LM2502SM 49 Lead UFBGA style,4.0X 4.0X 1.0 mm,0.5 mm pitch
1000std reel, LM2502SMX 4500 reel SLH49A
LM2502SQ 40 Lead LLP style,5.0X 5.0X 0.8 mm,0.4 mm pitch
1000std reel, LM2502SQX 4500 reel
August 2005