LM25011MYX/NOPB ,6-42V Wide Vin, 2A Constant-On Time Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 125 SNVS617H–APRIL 2009–REVISED NOVEMBER 20145 Pin Configurations and Functions10-PinHVSSOP PackageTop ..
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LM4050CEM3-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-peratures and currents.n Porta ..
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LM4050CEM3X-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Descriptionn Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.500V,Ideal for space critical
LM4050CEM3X-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-peratures and currents.n Porta ..
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6-42V Wide Vin, 2A Constant-On Time Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 125
6V to 42V
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
Features LM25011-Q1isan Automotive Grade Product AEC-Q100 Grade1 Qualified (–40°Cto +125°C
Operating Junction Temperature) LM25011A Allows Low-Dropout Operation
Switching Frequency Input Operating Voltage Range:6Vto Absolute Maximum Input Rating:45V Integrated 2-A N-Channel Buck Switch Adjustable Current Limit Allows for Smaller
Inductor Adjustable Output Voltage from 2.51V Minimum Ripple Voltageat VOUT Power Good Output Switching Frequency Adjustableto2 MHz COT Topology Features: Switching Frequency Remains Nearly
Constant with Load Current and Input Voltage
Variations Ultra-Fast Transient Response No Loop Compensation Required Stable Operation with Ceramic Output
Capacitors Allows for Smaller Output Capacitor and
Current Sense Resistor Adjustable Soft-Start Timing Thermal Shutdown Precision 2% Feedback Reference Package: 10-Pin, HVSSOP Createa Custom Design Using the LM25011
Family with the WEBENCH Power Designer
regulation principle requires no loop compensation,
resultsin fast load transient response, and simplifies
circuit implementation. The operating frequency
remains constant with line and load. The adjustable
valley current limit detection results ina smooth
transition from constant voltageto constant current
mode when current limitis reached, without the use current limit foldback. The PGD output indicates
the output voltage has increasedto within 5%of the
expected regulation value. Additional features
include: Low output ripple, VIN under-voltage lock-
out, adjustable soft-start timing, thermal shutdown,
gate drive pre-charge, gate drive under-voltage lock-
out, and maximum duty cycle limit.
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application