LM2485NA ,220V Triple Clamp with G1 Blank AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(See Figure 2 and Figure 3 for Test Circuits)Unless otherwise noted: V = ..
LM2485NA ,220V Triple Clamp with G1 Blank AmplifierBlock Diagram20103433FIGURE 1. Top ViewOrder Number LM2485NASee NS Package Number N24C 2004 Nationa ..
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220V Triple Clamp with G1 Blank Amplifier
220V Triple Bias Clamp with G1 Blank Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM2485isa triple channel clamp amplifier usedto DC
restoretheAC coupled outputsofa DTV CRT driver andfor
cut-off adjustment. The LM2485 also hasan integrated
blanking amplifier that canbe usedto drivetheG1 gridofa
CRT negative for vertical retrace blanking. The blanking
output hasa selectable pulse amplitudeof either 20VP-Por
40VP-Pviathe Pin13 option. The blanking input pulse can generated froma vertical flyback pulseorbya microcon-
The LM2485 can operate witha VCC supplyofupto 220V
andaVBB supplyof either 8Vor 12V. This VBB option,
selectable via the Pin12 option, ensures the LM2485is
compatible with any National Semiconductor DTV CRT
driver sharing the same operating voltagesin the applica-
TheICis packagedinan industry standard 24-lead molded
plastic dual-in-line packageto meet high voltage spacing
Features VCC capableofupto 220V VBB selectableto8Vor 12Vvia Pin12 option Wide bias output voltage rangeof over 100V Inverted output pulse suitableforG1 blanking,
selectableto 20VP-Por 40VP-Pvia Pin13 option
Applications AC coupled CRT applications using DTV formatsupto
1080i Well-matchedtothe NSC LM12XX Familyof
Preamplifiers and LM242X/3X/5X Familyof DTV CRT
Pinout and Internal Block DiagramFIGURE1. Top View
Order Number LM2485NA
See NS Package Number N24C
December 2004