LM2476TB ,Monolithic Triple Channel 6.5 ns High Gain CRT Driver and Bias ClampElectrical Characteristics(See Figure 4 for Test Circuit)Unless otherwise noted: V = 85V, V = 8V, C ..
LM2479NA ,120V Triple Bias ClampELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TARGETS AND LIMITUnless otherwise noted: V = +120V, V = 2.25V ,T = 25˚C. ..
LM2480NA ,80V Triple Bias ClampLM2480 80V Triple Bias ClampOctober 2001LM248080V Triple Bias Clampn Single supply operation
LM2483NA ,180V Triple Bias ClampFeaturesn Wide range integrated triple bias clampn High input impedanceSchematic and Connection Dia ..
LM2485NA ,220V Triple Clamp with G1 Blank AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(See Figure 2 and Figure 3 for Test Circuits)Unless otherwise noted: V = ..
LM2485NA ,220V Triple Clamp with G1 Blank AmplifierBlock Diagram20103433FIGURE 1. Top ViewOrder Number LM2485NASee NS Package Number N24C 2004 Nationa ..
LM4050AEM3-10 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4050 precision4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000Vvoltage reference is available ..
LM4050AEM3-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4050 precision4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000Vvoltage reference is available ..
LM4050AEM3-5.0+T ,50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltagesapplications, the LM4050/LM4051 are offered in the sub ● Wide Operating Current Range: 60µA to 15mA ..
LM4050AEM3X-10 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-peratures and currents.n Porta ..
LM4050AEM3X-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4050 precision4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000Vvoltage reference is available ..
LM4050AEM3X-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4050 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceJuly 2004LM4050Precision Micropower Shunt Voltag ..
Monolithic Triple Channel 6.5 ns High Gain CRT Driver and Bias Clamp
Monolithic Triple Channel 6.5 ns High Gain CRT Driver
and Bias Clamp
General DescriptionThe LM2476isa monolithic triple channel CRT driver and
triple bias clampfor low-cost color monitor applications. The
highly integratedIC contains three wide-band amplifiersfor
driving the RGB cathodesofa CRT through external cou-
pling capacitors and three low-band clamp amplifiersfor DC
restoration and cutoff adjustmentof the video outputs. The
CRT drivers havea high, fixed gainof-27 and can drive CRT
capacitive loadsas wellas resistive loads presentin other
applications, limited onlybythe package’s power dissipation.
TheICis packagedina 19-lead TO-247 molded plastic
package and mustbe operated witha properly chosen heat
sink. See the Package Mounting and Thermal Consider-
ations sectionsfor more information.
Features Well-matchedtothe LM123X/4X familyof preamplifiers Operates with VCC= 60Vto 90V Convenient TO-247 staggered lead package style
CRT Drivers High gainof –27forupto 60VP-P output swing Stable with capacitive loads and inductive peaking
Bias Clamps Gainof –17forupto 60V DC output range
Applications 1024x 768 displaysupto85Hz refresh rate Pixel clock frequenciesupto95 MHz Monitors using video blanking
Pinout Diagram and Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Pin DescriptionIND Driver Input Pins(1,3,4)
INC Clamp Input Pins(6,7,8)
VBB Bias Voltage Pin(2)
VCC Supply Voltage Pin (14)
GND* Ground Pins(5,10, 12,16, 18)
OUTC Clamp Output Pins(9, 11,13)
OUTD Driver Output Pins (15,17, 19)
*Note:All GNDpins shouldbe connected togethervialowHF impedance
tracesonthe PCB.
Note:Tabisat GND
FIGURE1. Pinout and Connection DiagramJanuary 2004