LM2416 ,Triple 50 MHz CRT DriverElectrical Characteristics
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact ..
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Triple 50 MHz CRT Driver
NNational Semiconductor
LM2416/LM2416C Triple 50 MHz CRT Driver
General Description
The LM2416 contains three wide bandwidth, large signal
amplifiers designed for large voltage swings. The amplifiers
have a gain of -13. The device is intended for use in color
CRT monitors and is a low cost solution to designs conform-
ing to VGA, Super VGA and the lBMar 8514 graphics stan-
The part is housed in the industry standard 11-Iead TO-220
molded power package. The heat sink is floating and may
be grounded for ease of manufacturing and RFI shielding.
I: 50 Vpp output at 45 MHz drives CRT directly
I! Rise/fall time typically 8 ns with 8 pF load
I: 65V output swing capability
a CRT driver for RGB monitors
" High voltage amplifiers
Schematic and Connection Diagram
(One Section)
- 5()GND
Top View
Your t
Order Number LM2416T or LM2416CT
See NS Package Number TA11B
I: ESULLBLI 00311926 755 III
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage, V +
Power Dissipation, PD
Storage Temperature Range, TSTG
Operating Temperature Range, TCASE
Lead Temperature (Soldering, <10 sec.)
ESD Tolerance
-25''C to + 100°C
- 20°C to + 90°C
If Milltary/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Electrical Characteristics
V+ --- 80V, CL = 8 pF, DC input bias, VIN = 3.6 V00 50 Vpp output swing, VBIAS = +12V. See Figure f. TA = 25°C unless
otherwise noted.
© GSl31hii!tt my'iIniiln lacl1 E3
.. . LM2416 LM2416C .
Symbol Parameter Conditions Units
Min Typical Max Min Typ Max
ICC Supply Current No Input or
1 22 26 16 28 A
(per Amplifier) Output Load 8 22 m
VOUT Output Offset Voltage VIN = 3.6V 38 42 46 35 42 48 VDC
tr Rise Time 10% to 90% _
(Note 3) 8 13 12 16 ns
tf Fall Time 10% to 90%
(Note 3) 8 13 12 16 ns
BW Bandwidth -3 dB 42 35 MHz
Av VoltageGain -11 -13 -15 ~10 -13 -16 V/V
OS Overshoot Figure 1 0 0 %
LE Linearity Error (Note I) 8 10 %
AAV Gain Matching (Note 2) 0.2 . 0.5 dB
Note 1: Linearity Error is defined as the variation in small signal gain from + 20V to +70V output with a 100 mV AC, 1 MHz, input signal.
Note 2: Calculated value from Voltage Gain test on each channel.
Note & Guaranteed parameter, not tested.
Test Circuit Typical Performance
W B,“ W Characteristics
Your LM2416 Frequency Response
to son Scope
0.47 p?
. 8 pF is total load capacitance. It includes all parasitic capacitance.
FIGURE 1. Test Circuit (One Section)
Figure 1 shows a typical test circuit for evaluation of the 1 10 mo
LM2416. This circuit is designed to allow testing of the FREQUENWMHZ)
LM2416 in a 500 environment such as a pulse generator,
oscilloscope or network analyzer.
LM2416 Pulse Response
OUTPUT (vom)
o 20 40 ea
2-146 T
LM24'16-Theory of Operation
The LM2416 is a high voltage triple CRT driver suitable for
VGA, Super VGA, IBM 8514 and 1K by 768 non-interlaced
display applications. The LM2416 features BO volt operation
and low power dissipation. The part is housed in the industry
standard 11 lead TO-220 molded power package. The heat
sink is floating and may be grounded for ease of manufac-
turing and RFI shielding.
The circuit diagram of the LM2416 is shown in Figure P, Q1
and R2 provides a conversion of input voltage to current,
while Q2 acts as a common base or cascode amplifier stage
to drive the load resistor R1. Emitter followers Q3 and' Q4
isolate the impedance of R1 from the capacitance of the
CRT cathode, and make the circuit relatively insensitive to
load capacitance. The gain of this circuit is -RI/R2 and is
fixed at -13. The bandwidth of the circuit is set by the
collector time constant formed by the load resistor R1 and
associated capacitance of Q2, 03. Q4, and stray layout ca-
pacitance. Proprietary transistor design allows for high
bandwidth with low operating power.
van o-
INPUT o---- 01
FIGURE 2. LM2416 CRT Driver
(One Section)
Thermal Considerations
The transfer characteristics of the amplifier are shown in
Figure 3. Power supply current increases as the input signal
increases and consequently power dissipation also increas-
The LM2416 cannot be used without heat sinking. Figure 3
shows the power dissipated in each channel over the oper-
ating voltage range of the device. Typical "average" power
dissipation with the device output voltage at one half the
supply voltage is 1.8W per channel for a total dissipation of
5.4W package dissipation. Under white screen conditions,
i.e.: 15V output, dissipation increases to 3W per channel or
9W total. The LM2416 case temperature must be main-
tained below 90°C. It the maximum expected ambient tem-
perature is 50''C, then a heat sink is needed with thermal
resistance equal to or less than:
R - (90 - 50''C)
The Thermailoy #6400 is one example of a heatsink that
meets this requirement.
OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUITS, The minimum resistance the
LM2416 can drive is 6000 to ground or V+.
: 4.4°C/W
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIGURE 3. LM2416 DC Characteristics
III ESULLEH 0091030 303 III
A typical application of the LM2416 is shown in Figure 4.
Used in conjunction with a LM1203, a txompltstss video chan.
nel from monitor input to CRT cathode is shown. Perform-
ance is satisfactory for all applications to 1k by 768 non-in-
terlaced. Typical rise-fall times are 12 ns, with better than
50V p-p drive signals available to an 8 pF load. In this
application, feedback is local to the LM1203. An alternative
scheme would be feedback from the output of the LM2416
to the positive clamp inputs of the LM1203. This would pro-
FIGURE 4. Typical Application LM1203-LM2416 Application
E er4 f
Ti 1 28 " RED DRIVE
g a 1m 5111
-l _ 2 27 A '
Fi.?,-,,- 3 28 ir-MN-tt
it 10 [If 0.l pf 500
m 7511 A 10k 0 lyF C0TOFF
F--- 5 24 IPF
o .10 tsr T ,
F-- 6 23 '0 GREEN DRIVE
'lift) 75tt 10k 5m
7 22 A 4
6 LM1203 moo o-
'c/lr ll 21 Laws
10 F 0.1pF
8 tl 500 tl III
I 9 20 5 =
vmca emu
IN 75tt 10k curorr s
_ 10 19 - 1 yF o
0.1 pF T
11 " ‘N.
10 yr 5111 6 200 7
T 12 17 -N/VV----o
max 500 tyr $4
IDpF -
vide slightly better black level control of the system,
© 55011121} DD'H‘JEI]. EMT I:
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LM2416C - productllm24160?HQS=T|-nulI-nuIl-dscatalog-df-pf-nulI-wwe