LM2405 ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT DriverApplicationson page 5.Y cCRT driver for 1280 1024 (Non-interfaced) and XGAdisplay resolution color ..
LM2405AT ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]Featuresn Monitors using video blankingn Rise/fall times typically 7 ns with 8 pF loadSchematic and ..
LM2405T ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]LM2405 Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT DriverAugust 1999LM2405Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Drivern Output ..
LM2405T. ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]applications, limited only by the package’s power dissipation.The IC is packaged in an industry sta ..
LM2406 ,Monolithic Triple CRT DriverApplicationsmolded plastic power package. See thermal considerationsYCRT driver for 1024 x 768 (Non ..
LM2406T ,Monolithic Triple CRT DriverElectrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed ..
LM4041C12IDBZR ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracySLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006ORDERING INFORMATIONORDERABLE TOP-SIDE(1)T DEVICE GRADE ..
LM4041C12IDBZT ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracySLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006FUNCTIONAL
LM4041C12IDCKR ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracyMaximum Ratingsover free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV Continuous cat ..
LM4041C12IDCKR ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracySLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006
LM4041C12IDCKRE4 ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracy 5-SC70 -40 to 85SLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006Packaged in space-saving SC-70 and SOT-23-3 and requiri ..
LM4041C12IDCKRG4 ,1.2-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracy 5-SC70 -40 to 85/sc/package.(2) DBZ/DCK: The actual top-side marking has one additional character that designates t ..
Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver
August 1996
Monolithic Triple7 ns CRT Driver
General Description
The LM2405isan integrated high voltage CRT driver circuit
designedforusein color monitor applications.TheIC con-
tains three high input impedance, wide band amplifiers
which directly drivethe RGB cathodesofa CRT. Each
channelhasits gain internallysetat b14 and can drive
CRT capacitive loadsas wellas resistive loads presented other applications, limited onlybythe package’s power
TheICis packagedinan industry standard11 lead TO-220
molded plastic power package. See thermal considerations page5.
Features Rise/fall times typically7ns with8pF load Output swing capability:50 VPPfor VCCe80VPPfor VCCe70VPPfor VCCe60 Pinout designedfor easy PCB layout0Vto6V input range Stable with0 pF–20pF capactive loads Convenient TO-220 staggered lead package style
Applications CRT driverfor 1280c 1024 (Non-interfaced)and XGA
display resolution color monitors Pixel clock frequencyupto130 MHz Monitors using video blanking
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
FIGURE1. Simplified Schematic Diagram (One Channel)
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M116/Printed inU.S.A. http://