LM2402T ,Monolithic Triple 3 nsec Driver [Life-time buy]LM2402 Monolithic Triple 3 ns CRT DriverAugust 1999LM2402Monolithic Triple 3 ns CRT Drivern Well ma ..
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LM2405 ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT DriverApplicationson page 5.Y cCRT driver for 1280 1024 (Non-interfaced) and XGAdisplay resolution color ..
LM2405AT ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]Featuresn Monitors using video blankingn Rise/fall times typically 7 ns with 8 pF loadSchematic and ..
LM2405T ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]LM2405 Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT DriverAugust 1999LM2405Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Drivern Output ..
LM2405T. ,Monolithic Triple 7 ns CRT Driver [Life-time buy]applications, limited only by the package’s power dissipation.The IC is packaged in an industry sta ..
LM4041BIDBZT ,Adjustable Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.2% accuracyFEATURES • Applications• 1.225-V Fixed and Adjustable Outputs – Data-Acquisition Systems(1.225 V to ..
LM4041BIDCKR ,Adjustable Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.2% accuracySLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006Packaged in space-saving SC-70 and SOT-23-3 and requiri ..
LM4041BIDCKT ,Adjustable Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.2% accuracySLCS146E–FEBRUARY 2005–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006ORDERING INFORMATIONORDERABLE TOP-SIDE(1)T DEVICE GRADE ..
LM4041BILT-1.2 ,1.225V Micropower shunt voltage referenceApplications• Computers• Battery chargers• Switch mode power supply• Battery operated equipment• Da ..
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LM4041BIM3-1.2/NOPB ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference 3-SOT-23 -40 to 85DBZ Package3-Pin SOT-23DCK PackageTop View5-Pin SC70Top View11 5FB3N/C FB–22+t 3 4ADJN/C+ADJLP Paka ..
Monolithic Triple 3 nsec Driver [Life-time buy]
Monolithic Triple3 ns CRT Driver
General DescriptionThe LM2402isan integrated high voltage CRT driver circuit
designedfor usein high resolution color monitor applica-
tions. TheIC contains three high input impedance, wide
band amplifiers which directly drivethe RGB cathodesofa
CRT. Eachchannelhasits gain internallysetto−14andcan
drive CRT capacitive loadsas wellas resistive loads pre-
sentedby other applications, limited onlybythe package’s
power dissipation.
TheICis packagedinan industry standard11 lead TO-220
molded plastic power package. See thermal considerations page5.
Features Rise/fall times typically 3.0/2.8nswith8pF loadatVPP Well matched with LM2202 video preamps Output swing capability:50 VPPfor VCC= 80V1Vto5V input range Stable with 0-20pF capacitive loadsand inductive
peaking networks Convenient TO-220 staggered lead package style Standard LM240X family pinout whichis designedfor
easy PCB layout
Applications CRT driverfor color monitorswith display resolutionsup 1600x 1200 Pixel clock frequencyupto200 MHz
Schematic and Connection DiagramsDS101016-1
FIGURE1. Simplified Schematic Diagram
(One Channel)DS101016-2
Top View
Order Number LM2402TAugust 1999
Driver©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101016