LM2901M ,Quad ComparatorLM2901,LM339/LM339A,LM3302 LM239/LM239AQuad Comparator
LM2901M/NOPB ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator 14-SOIC -40 to 85Features... 17.3 Feature Description.... 102 Applications..... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 113 ..
LM2901MX ,Quad ComparatorLM2901,LM339/LM339A,LM3302 LM239/LM239AQuad Comparator
LM2901MX/NOPB ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator 14-SOIC -40 to 85 SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER 1999–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsJ, D and NFF Package1 ..
LM2901N ,Quad ComparatorSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM139,LM239,LM339,LM ..
LM2901N. ,Quad ComparatorOrder this document by LM339/D* *These comparators are designed for use in level detection, low– ..
LM723C ,Voltage Regulatorapplicationssuchasashuntregulator,acurrentregulatorora temperature controller.The LM723C is identic ..
LM723CD ,ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSpin configuration relative to the plastic package)Vi = 12VV = 5VoIo = 1mAR /R ≤ 10KΩ1 22/12LM723o
LM723CD013TR ,ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR LM723 (refer to the test circuits, T = 25°C,ambunless otherwise spec ..
LM723CH ,Voltage Regulatorapplications such as a shunt regulator, a current regulator ora temperature controller.The LM723C i ..
LM723CN ,Voltage RegulatorLM723QML RegulatorFebruary 2005LM723QMLVoltage Regulator
LM723CN/NOPB ,Voltage Regulator 14-PDIP 0 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Conditions LM723 LM723C UnitsMin Typ Max Min Typ MaxLine Regula ..
Quad Comparator
Features Single or Dual Supply Operation Wide Range of Supply Voltage
LM2901,LM339/LM339A,LM239/LM239A: 2 ~ 36V
(or ±1 ~ ±18V)
LM3302: 2 ~ 28V (or ±1 ~ ±14V) Low Supply Current Drain 800μA Typ. Open Collector Outputs for Wired and Connectors Low Input Bias Current 25nA Typ. Low Input Offset Current ±2.3nA Typ. Low Input Offset Voltage ±1.4mV Typ. Input Common Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground. Low Output Saturation Voltage Output Compatible With TTL, DTL and MOS Logic
DescriptionThe LM2901, LM339/LM339A ,LM239/LM239A, LM3302
consist of four independent voltage comparators designed
to operate from single power supply over a wide voltage