LM236DR-2.5 ,2.5maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM236DT ,2.5V VOLTAGE REFERENCESELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSo oLM236 -25 C ≤ T ≤ +85 Cambo oLM336,B 0 C ≤ Tamb ≤ +70 C(unless other ..
LM236H-2.5 ,Reference DiodeFeatureslow-temperature-coefficient 2.5V zener with 0.2Ω dynamicn Low temperature coefficientimpeda ..
LM236H5.0 ,5.0V Reference DiodeLM136-5.0/LM236-5.0/LM336-5.0 5.0V Reference DiodeJune 1999LM136-5.0/LM236-5.0/LM336-5.05.0V Refere ..
LM236H-5.0 ,5.0V Reference Diodeapplications requiringThe LM136-5.0/LM236-5.0/LM336-5.0 integrated circuits are2.5V see LM136-2.5.p ..
LM236M-2.5 ,Reference DiodeElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)LM136A-2.5/LM236A-2.5 LM336B-2.5Parameter Conditions LM136-2.5/L ..
LM4040DIM3X-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4040 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceAugust 2002LM4040Precision Micropower Shunt Volt ..
LM4040DIM3X-6.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4040 precisionvoltagereferenceisavailableinthesub-miniatureSC70andKey Specifica ..
LM4040DIM3X-6.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Description2.500V,3.000V, 4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000VIdeal for space critical
LM4040DIM3X-8.2 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Description2.500V,3.000V, 4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000VIdeal for space critical
LM4040DIM3X-8.2 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-n Portable, Battery-Powered Eq ..
LM4040DIM7-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4040 precisionvoltagereferenceisavailableinthesub-miniatureSC70andKey Specifica ..
Voltage Reference Diode
±1% Tolerance Available
Specified Temperature Stability Easily Trimmed for Minimum TemperatureDrift Fast Turnon
description/ordering informationThe LM236-2.5, LM336-2.5, and LM336B-2.5
integrated circuits are precision 2.5-V shunt
regulator diodes. These reference circuits
operate as low-temperature-coefficient 2.5-V
Zener diodes with a 0.2-Ω dynamic impedance. A
third terminal provided on the circuit allows the
reference voltage and temperature coefficient to
be trimmed easily.
The series is useful as precision 2.5-V low-voltage references (VZ ) for digital voltmeters, power supplies, or
operational-amplifier circuitry. The 2.5-V voltage reference makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from
5-V logic supplies. Devices in this series operate as shunt regulators, and can be used as either positive or
negative voltage references.
The LM236-2.5 is characterized for operation from −25°C to 85°C. The LM336-2.5 and LM336B-2.5 are
characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
ORDERING INFORMATION†Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines are
available at www.ti.com/sc/package.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.