LM2902D ,QUAD DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LM324/D * ** ** *QUAD DIFFERENTIAL INPUTThe LM324 series are low–cost, qua ..
LM2902DR ,Quad General-Purpose Operational AmplifierSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM224K,LM224KA,LM324 ..
LM2902DR2 ,Single Supply Quad Operational AmplifierMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
LM2902DRG3 ,Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 125Features. 1• Removed Ordering Information table....... 3• Added ESD warning.... 152 Submit Document ..
LM2902DRG4 ,Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 125 SLOS066W–SEPTEMBER 1975–REVISED MARCH 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsFK PackageD, DB, J, N, ..
LM2902DRG4 ,Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LMx24, LMx24x,L ..
LM7372ILD ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierFeaturesn −80dBc highest harmonic distortion @1MHz, 2VThe LM7372 is a high speed dual voltage feedb ..
LM7372ILDX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational Amplifierapplications such as xDSL andpulse amplifiers. With 150mA output current, the LM7372
LM7372IMA ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe LM7372 is a high speed dual voltage feedback1•−80 dBc Highest Harmonic Di ..
LM7372IMAX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational Amplifierapplications.n HDTV amplifiers™The LM7372 is built on National’s Advance VIP III (Verti-cally integ ..
LM7372MR ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierApplicationscan be used for video distribution, as a transformer driver oras a laser diode driver. ..
LM7372MRX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierLM7372 High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierFebruary 2002LM7372High Speed, Hi ..
Order this document by LM324/D -
The LM324 series are low–cost, quad operational amplifiers with true
differential inputs. They have several distinct advantages over standard
operational amplifier types in single supply applications. The quad amplifier
can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 V or as high as 32 V with
quiescent currents about one–fifth of those associated with the MC1741 (on
a per amplifier basis). The common mode input range includes the negative
supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external biasing components in
many applications. The output voltage range also includes the negative
power supply voltage. Short Circuited Protected Outputs True Differential Input Stage Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 32 V Low Input Bias Currents: 100 nA Maximum (LM324A) Four Amplifiers Per Package Internally Compensated Common Mode Range Extends to Negative Supply Industry Standard Pinouts ESD Clamps on the Inputs Increase Ruggedness without Affecting
Device Operation
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
NOTE: 1. Split Power Supplies.