LM307N ,Operational AmplifiersLM107/LM207/LM307OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM107/LM207/LM307OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM9833CCVJD/NOPB ,48-Bit Color, 1200dpi USB Image Scanner 100-TQFP 0 to 70Features• 16 bit ADC digitizes at up to 6Mpixels/s (2M RGB pixels/sec).The LM9833 is a complete USB ..
LM98519VHB , 10-bit 65 MSPS 6 Channel Imaging Signal Processor
LM98519VHB , 10-bit 65 MSPS 6 Channel Imaging Signal Processor
LM98714CCMT/NOPB ,3 Ch 16-Bit 45 MSPS Digital Copier AFE w/ Integrated CCD/CIS Sensor Timing Generator & LVDS Output 48-TSSOP 0 to 70Features 2 Applications1• LVDS/CMOS Outputs • Multi-Function Peripherals• LVDS/CMOS Pixel Rate Inpu ..
LM98714CCMTX ,3 Ch 16-Bit 45 MSPS Digital Copier AFE w/ Integrated CCD/CIS Sensor Timing Generator & LVDS Output 48-TSSOP 0 to 70 SNAS254B–OCTOBER 2006–REVISED APRIL 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGG Package48-Pin TSSOPTo ..
LM99-1CIMM ,±1°C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire Interface
Operational Amplifiers
December 1994
LM107/LM207/LM307 Operational Amplifiers
General Description
The LM107 series arecomplete, general purpose operation- amplifiers, withthe necessary frequency compensation
builtintothe chip. Advanced processing techniques make
the input currentsa factoroften lower than industry stan-
dardslikethe 709. Yet, theyarea direct, plug-in replace-
mentforthe 709, LM101Aand 741.
The LM107 series offersthe featuresofthe LM101A, which
makesits application nearly foolproof.In addition,thede-
vice provides better accuracy and lower noisein highim-
pedance circuitry. Thelow input currents also makeit partic-
ularlywell suitedfor long interval integratorsor timers, sam-
pleand hold circuitsandlow frequency waveform genera-
tors. Further, replacing circuits where matched transistor
pairs bufferthe inputsof conventionalICop amps,it can
give lower offset voltageanddriftata lower cost.
The LM107is guaranteed overa b55§Cto a125§C temper-
ature range,the LM207 from b25§Cto a85§C andthe
LM307 from 0§Cto a70§C.
Features Offset voltage3mV maximum over temperature Input current 100nA maximum over temperature Offset current20nA maximum over temperature Guaranteed drift characteristics
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package
Note:Pin4 connectedto case.
Top View
Order Number LM107H/883*
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Dual-in-Line Package
See NSPackageNumber J08A
Order NumberLM307N
SeeNS Package Number N08ADual-in-LinePackage
Order Number LM107J-14/883*
SeeNS Package NumberJ14A
*Available perSMDÝ 5962-8958901.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.