LM20143MHX/NOPB ,2.95-5.5V, 3A, Current Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Adjustable Frequency 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS528H–OCTOBER 2007–REVISED JANUARY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP Package16-Pin HTSSO ..
LM20144MH , 4A, PowerWise® Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator
LM20146MH , 6A, Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator
LM201ADR2 ,Non Compensated Single Operational AmplifierFeatures• Low Input Offset Current: 20 nA Maximum Over TemperaturePDIP−8RangeN SUFFIX• External Fre ..
LM201ADR2 ,Non Compensated Single Operational AmplifierMAXIMUM RATINGSValueRating Symbol LM201A LM201AV LM301A UnitPower Supply Voltage V V ±22 ±22 ±18 Vd ..
LM4040AIZ4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4040 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceAugust 2002LM4040Precision Micropower Shunt Volt ..
LM4040AIZ-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Description2.500V,3.000V, 4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000VIdeal for space critical
LM4040AIZ-4.1/NOPB ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference 3-TO-92 Electrical Characteristics: 2.5-V LM4040-N VR 9 Application and Implementation...... 34Tolerance Gr ..
LM4040AIZ-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-n Portable, Battery-Powered Eq ..
LM4040AIZ-5.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4040 precisionvoltagereferenceisavailableinthesub-miniatureSC70andKey Specifica ..
LM4040B10IDBZR ,10-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.2% accuracy
3A, PowerWise Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator
Features 3 DescriptionThe LM20143 devices are full featured PowerWise™ Availablein AEC-Q100 Temperature Grade1 adjustable frequency synchronous buck regulators• Input Voltage Range: 2.95Vto 5.50V capableof delivering upto3Aof continuous output• Accurate Current Limit Minimizes Inductor Size current. The current mode control loop can be
compensatedto be stable with virtually any typeof• 97% Peak Efficiency output capacitor. For most cases, compensating the• Adjustable Output Voltage Downto 0.80V device only requires two external components,• Adjustable Switching Frequency (500 kHzto 1.5 providing maximum flexibility and easeof use. TheMHz) deviceis optimizedto work over the input voltage
rangeof 2.95Vto 5.5V, makingit suited fora wide• 32-mΩ Integrated FET Switches
varietyof low voltage systems.• Starts into Prebiased Loads
The device features internal over voltage protection• Output Voltage Tracking (OVP) and over current protection (OCP) circuits• Peak Current Mode Control increased system reliability.A precision enable• Adjustable Soft-Start with External Capacitor and integrated UVLO allows the turn-onof the device be tightly controlled and sequenced. Start-up• Precision Enable Pin with Hysteresis
inrush currents are limitedby both an internally fixed• Integrated OVP, UVLO, Power Good and Thermal and externally adjustable Soft-Start circuit. FaultShutdown detection and supply sequencingis possible with the
integrated power good circuit.
2 ApplicationsThe frequencyof this device can be adjusted from• Simpleto Design, High Efficiency Pointof Load 500 kHz to 1.5 MHz by connecting an externalRegulation froma 5-Vor 3.3-V Bus resistor from the RT pinto ground. High Performance DSPs, FPGAs, ASICs, and The LM20143is designedto work wellin multi-railMicroprocessors power supply architectures. The output voltageof the• Broadband, Networking, and Optical device canbe configuredto tracka higher voltage railCommunications Infrastructure using the SS/TRK pin.If the outputof the LM20143is
pre-biasedat startupit will not sink currentto pull the
output low until the internal soft-start ramp exceeds
the voltageat the feedback pin.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application Circuit