LM20134MHE/NOPB ,2.95-5.5V, 4A, Current Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Input Sync and Optional Automotive Grade 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125features internal over voltage protection(OVP) and over current protection (OCP) circuits for• Outp ..
LM20134MHX/NOPB ,2.95-5.5V, 4A, Current Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Input Sync and Optional Automotive Grade 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
LM20136MH , 6A, Synchronous Buck Regulator with Input Synchronization
LM20143MH , 3A, PowerWise® Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator
LM20143MHX , 3A, PowerWise® Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator
LM20143MHX/NOPB ,2.95-5.5V, 3A, Current Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Adjustable Frequency 16-HTSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS528H–OCTOBER 2007–REVISED JANUARY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP Package16-Pin HTSSO ..
LM4040AIX3-2.1+T ,Improved Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesApplications- 2Portable, Battery-Powered EquipmentNotebook ComputersSC70-3/SOT23-3Cell Phones*PIN 3 ..
LM4040AIX3-3.0 ,Improved Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesApplications- 2Portable, Battery-Powered EquipmentNotebook ComputersSC70-3/SOT23-3Cell Phones*PIN 3 ..
LM4040AIZ-10.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Description2.500V,3.000V, 4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000VIdeal for space critical
LM4040AIZ2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Referenceapplications, the LM4040 precisionvoltagereferenceisavailableinthesub-miniatureSC70andKey Specifica ..
LM4040AIZ-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-n Portable, Battery-Powered Eq ..
LM4040AIZ4.1 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4040 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceAugust 2002LM4040Precision Micropower Shunt Volt ..
4A, PowerWise Synchronous Buck Regulator with Input Synchronization
• 97% Peak Efficiency deviceis optimizedto work over the input voltage
• Frequency Synchronization Pin rangeof 2.95Vto 5.5V makingit suited fora wide
32 mΩ Integrated FET Switches varietyof low voltage systems.
Starts up into Pre-Biased Loads The device features internal
(OVP) and over current for
• Output Voltage Trackingincreased system reliability. pin
• Peak Current Mode Control and integrated UVLO allows device
• Adjustable Output Voltage Downto 0.8V to be tightly controlled Start-up
Adjustable Soft-Start with External Capacitor inrush currents are limited fixed
and externally adjustable Fault
• Precision Enable Pin with Hysteresis detection and supply sequencing with the
• Integrated OVP, UVLO, Power Good and integrated power good circuit.
Thermal Shutdown The switching frequency of the LM20134 can be
• HTSSOP 16-Pin Exposed Pad Package synchronized to an external clock by use of the
SYNC pin. The SYNC pinis capableof synchronizing
APPLICATIONS to input signals ranging from 500 kHzto 1.5 MHz
Simpleto Design, High Efficiency Pointof The LM20134is designedto work wellin multi-rail
Load Regulation froma 5Vor 3.3V Bus power supply architectures. The output voltageof the
High Performance DSPs, FPGAs, ASICs and device canbe configuredto tracka higher voltage rail
using the SS/TRK pin.If the outputof the LM20134is
Microprocessorspre-biasedat startupit will not sink currentto pull the
• Broadband, Networking and Optical output low until the internal soft-start ramp exceeds the voltageat the feedback pin.
Typical Application Circuit