LM2002AT ,8 Watt Audio Power AmplifierFeatures
I High peak current capability (3.5A)
I Large output voltage swing
I Externally progr ..
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8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
National .
LM2002/LM2002A 8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
General Description
The LM2002 is a cost effective, high power amplifier suited
for automotive applications. High current capability (3.5A)
enables the device to drive low impedance loads with low
distortion. The LM2002 is current limited and thermally pro-
tected. High voltage protection is available (LM2002A)
which enables the amplifier to withstand 40V transients on
its supply. The LM2002 comes in a 5-pin TO-220 package.
I: High peak current capability (3.5A)
a Large output voltage swing
a Externally programmable gain
Wide supply voltage range (5V-20V)
Few external parts required
Low distortion
High input impedance
No tum-on transients
High voltage protection available (LM2002A)
Low noise
AC short circuit protected
Pin for pin compatible with TDA2002
Equivalent Schematic
_ A A A
.tretlr -INPUT
Connection Diagram
Plastic Package
, INVEM’ING "007
Order Number LM2002T or LM2002AT
See NS Package Number T05A
TL/ H/7929-1
Typical Application
IL] I1
1fttt + _ f”
213 ' "
(NOTE 1)
I70 “F u 1l7
Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mllltary/Aerospace speclfled devices are required,
E please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Output Cgrrent
R Offltte/Dlstritmtora for availability and ttpeemeations. Repetitive 3.5A
Clt Non-repetitive 4.5A
e, Peak Supply Voltage (50 ms)
CM LM2002A (Note 2) 40V Input Voltage d: 0.5V
E LM2002 25V Power Dissipation (Note 3) 15W
Operating Supply Voltage 20V Operating Temperature ty'C to + 70'C
Storage Temperature - 60°C to + 150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C
Electrical Characteristics
Vs = 14.4V,TTAB = 25''C, Av = 100 (40 dB), RL = 40, unless otherwise specified
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unlts
DG Output Level 6.4 7.2 8 V
Quiescent Supply Current Excludes Current in Feedback Resistors 45 80 mA
Supply Voltage Range 5 20 V
Input Resistance 150 kn
Bandwidth Gain = 40 dB 100 kHz
Output Power Vs = 13.2V,f = 1 kHz
RL = 4n, THD = 10% 4.3 W
RL = 20. THD = 10% 6.5 W
Vs == 13.8V,f = 1 kHz
RL = 4n,THD = 10% 4.8 W
RL = 20, THD = 10% 7.4 W
Vs = 14.4V,f = 1 kHz
RL = 4n, THD = 10% 4.8 5.2 W
Ru = 20,THD = 10% 7 a W
RL = 1.60,THD = 10% 9 W
Vs =16V.f=1kHz
HL = 4n. THD = 10% 6.5 W
RL=2n,THD---10% 10 W
Rt. = 1.en,THD = 10% 10.5 w
THD Po = 2W, Rt. = 49.1: 1 kHz 0.1 %
Po--4W,RL--2n,f--lkHz 0.1 %
Ripple Rejection Rs --- 500.,f = 100 Hz 30 40 dB
Rs = 500,1 = 1 kHz 44 dB
Input Noise Voltage Rs = O, 15 kHz Bandwidth 2 p.v
Input Noise Current Rs = 100 kn, 15 kHz Bandwidth 40 pA
Note 1: A 1.0 resistor and 0.1 pF capacitor should be placed as close as possible to pins 3 and 4 for stability.
Note 2.. The LM2002 shuts down above 25V.
Note 3: For operating at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum iunction temperature and a thermal resistance 014°C/W
iunction to case.
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
Typical Performance Characteristics
Devlce Dlsslpatlon vs Power Dissipation vs Power Dlsslpatlon vs
Amblent Temperature Output Power Output Power
I a . "
mmme HEAT sum g 7 u “"19
vs-znv _
g I ' E 12
F, m cm um sum , ' . " ' tll
" a 4 >.
, a g a
3 CM HEAT sum 'td 3 g a
5 F, 2 g '
l 2 vs: tiN
B " Ill 3D In 50 60 10 " tt 1 4 I I to " " n t 4 5 I " " " " "
Open Loop Galn Supply Ripple Rejection Supply Current vs
tn vs Frequency n vs Frequency Supply Voltage
_ ttt " "
- :2 I'. -ttl "
E " g -211 ' NI
3 " 'tt 5 "
3 50 , -3tt g
- .1 u 30
g' " E 43 r.
l " , t 10
E', tit E 50 p,
_ m a to
0 -0 0
no u m mm m m " 10k a 2 q s a " tt u u n "
rnmusucv Mr) meauencv the) Vsumv WI
Output Power vs
Supply Voltage m Dlstonlon " Output Power w a Dlstortion vs F uen
nm- 10% ' " AV = Ion
' Its ' "AV
- RL'432,VSI " RLoi2
E it , 2 "
' .523 6 ft = , nuv E as
E E i n -m,v unv :3: "
s 'e. u)
's kt ' E IIA
" I 0.05
nl-mm I luv
t 0.02
0 2 4 I I " " " " II " " t to " 50 WOZDD 5110“ " 5k m znu
Vsumv W) oumr rowan M) rnmumcv mu
Output Swing vs
t a Distortion " F " Voltage
" Av ' NO "
Vs t “AV
" m " m - "
ii." " et. "
E " l' t2
k" E "
E " s I
a " F, o
0.05 G '
20 so mm m n " " 10k10k tt 2 . ' ' " tt " " " "
rnmumcv (m) Vsumv W)
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
Typical Applications (Continued)
Component Layout
16W Bridge Amplifier
Single Amplifier
Vs = 20V
Ru = 4n
MEAT smx .
'Staver V-5 Heatsink
Staver Company
41 Saxon Ave
P.0. Drawer H
Bayshore, NY 11706
TEL: (516) 666-8000
TL/ H/7929-6
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LM2002 - product/Im2002?HQS=T|—nu|l-nu|I-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
LM2002AT - product/Im2002at?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df-pf-nuII-wwe
LM2002T - product/Im2002t?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe