LM19CIZ/NOPB ,Analog Output Temperature Sensor in TO-92 3-TO-92 -55 to 130FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM19 is a precision analog output CMOS2• Rated for Full−55°C to +130°C Rang ..
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Analog Output Temperature Sensor in TO-92 3-TO-92
www.ti.com SNIS122E –MAY 2001–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM19 2.4V, 10µ A, TO-92 Temperature Sensor
Checkfor Samples: LM19
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM19 isa precision analog output CMOS
Rated for Full −55°Cto +130°C Range integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates
• Availableina TO-92 Package overa −55°C to +130°C temperature range. The
Predictable Curvature Error power supply operating rangeis +2.4Vto +5.5V.
The transfer functionof LM19is predominately linear,
• Suitable for Remote Applications yet hasa slight predictable parabolic curvature. The
• UL Recognized Component accuracyof the LM19 when specifiedtoa parabolic
transfer functionis ±2.5°Cat an ambient temperature
APPLICATIONS of +30°C. The temperature error increases linearly
and reaches a maximum of ±3.8°C at the
• Cellular Phones temperature range extremes. The temperature range
• Computers is affectedby the power supply voltage.Ata power
• Power Supply Modules supply voltageof 2.7Vto 5.5V the temperature
range extremes are +130°C and −55°C. Decreasing
• Battery Managementthe power supply voltage to 2.4V changes the
• FAX Machines negative extreme to −30°C, while the positive
• Printers remainsat +130°C.
HVAC The LM19's quiescent currentis less than 10 μA.
• Disk Drives Therefore, self-heatingis less than 0.02°Cin still air.
Shutdown capability for the LM19is intrinsic because
• Appliancesits inherent low power consumption allowsitto be
powered directly from the outputof many logic gates
KEY SPECIFICATIONS or does not necessitate shutdownat all.
• Accuracyat +30°C ±2.5°C (max) Accuracyat +130°C& −55°C ±3.5to ±3.8°C
(max) Power Supply Voltage Range +2.4Vto +5.5V Current Drain10 μA (max) Nonlinearity ±0.4% (typ) Output Impedance 160Ω (max)