LM195K/883 ,Ultra Reliable Power Transistorsapplications, where n Greater than 1.0A output currentprotection is unusually difficult, such as sw ..
I Normal circuit operation guaranteed with inputs up to
3V below ground on a single su ..
LM1971M ,Digitally Controlled 62 dB Audio Attenuator with/MuteLM1971 Overture Audio Attenuator Series Digitally Controlled 62 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteSeptem ..
LM1971MX ,Digitally Controlled 62 dB Audio Attenuator with/Mutefeatures a low Total Harmonic Distor-n 8-pin plastic DIP and SO packages availabletion (THD) of 0.0 ..
LM1971N ,Digitally Controlled 62 dB Audio Attenuator with/MuteGeneral Descriptionn Dynamic range 115 dB (typ)The LM1971 is a digitally controlled single channel ..
LM1972M ,Micro-Pot 2-Channel 78 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteLM1972 µPot 2-Channel 78dB Audio Attenuator with MuteApril 1995LM1972™µPot 2-Channel 78dB Audio Att ..
LM4040AEM3-5.0+T ,Improved Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—2.048V(I = 100µA, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values ar ..
LM4040AEM3-5.0-T ,5.0 V, improved precision micropower shunt voltage reference with multiple reverse breakdown voltageFeaturesThe LM4040 is a precision two-terminal shunt mode,♦ Ultra-Small 3-Pin SC70 Packagebandgap v ..
LM4040AEX3-3.0+T ,Improved Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesFeaturesThe LM4040 is a precision two-terminal shunt mode,♦ Ultra-Small 3-Pin SC70 Packagebandgap v ..
LM4040AEX3-4.1-T ,4.096 V, improved precision micropower shunt voltage reference with multiple reverse breakdown voltageApplications LM4040_IM3-2.1 -40°C to +85°C 3 SOT23-3 2.048LM4040_IX3-2.1 -40°C to +85°C 3 SC70-3 2. ..
LM4040AIM3-10.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceGeneral Description2.500V,3.000V, 4.096V, 5.000V, 8.192V, and 10.000VIdeal for space critical
LM4040AIM3-2.0 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4040 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceAugust 2002LM4040Precision Micropower Shunt Volt ..
Ultra Reliable Power Transistors
Ultra Reliable Power Transistors
General DescriptionThe LM195/LM395are fast, monolithic power transistors
with complete overload protection. Thesedevices, whichact high gain power transistors, have includedonthe chip,
current limiting, power limiting,and thermal overload protec-
tion making them virtually impossibleto destroy fromany
typeof overload.Inthe standard TO-3 transistorpower pack-
age,the LM195will deliver load currentsin excessof 1.0A
andcan switch 40Vin500ns.
The inclusionof thermal limiting,a featurenot easily avail-
ablein discrete designs, provides virtually absolute protec-
tion against overload. Excessive power dissipationor inad-
equate heat sinking causesthe thermal limiting circuitryto
turnoffthe device preventing excessive heating.
The LM195 offersa significant increasein reliabilityaswell simplifying power circuitry.In some applications, where
protectionis unusually difficult, suchas switching regulators,
lampor solenoid drivers where normal power dissipationis
low,the LM195is especially advantageous.
The LM195is easytouseand onlyafew precautions need observed. Excessive collectorto emitter voltagecande-
stroythe LM195as withany power transistor. Whenthede-
viceis usedasan emitter follower withlow source imped-
ance,itis necessaryto inserta 5.0k resistorin series with
the base leadto prevent possible emitter follower oscilla-
tions.Althoughthe deviceis usually stableasan emitterfol-
lower, theresistor eliminatesthe possibility oftrouble without
degrading performance. Finally, sinceithas good highfre-
quency response, supply bypassingis recommended.
For low-power applications (under 100 mA), refertothe
LP395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor.
The LM195/LM395are availablein standard TO-3 power
packagesand solid Kovar TO-5.The LM195is ratedforop-
eration from −55˚Cto +150˚Candthe LM395 from0˚Cto
Features Internal thermal limiting Greater than 1.0A output current3.0μA typical base current 500ns switching time 2.0V saturation Basecanbe drivenupto 40V without damage Directly interfaceswith CMOSor TTL 100% electrical burn-in
Simplified CircuitDS006009-1
June 1999
ransistors 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS006009