LM1889 ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorElectrical Characteristics (dc TestCircuit, All sw Normally Pos.1,VA = 15v, VB = " = 12V)
Symbol ..
LM1889 ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorFeatures
I do channel switching
I 12V to 18V supply operation
I Excellent oscillator stabi ..
LM1889N ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorLM1889
National _
LM1889 TV Video Modulator
LM1893N ,LM1893/LM2893 Carrier-Current TransceiverLM1893/LM2893Carrier-CurrentTransceiverApril1995LM1893/LM2893Carrier-CurrentTransceiver²GeneralDesc ..
LM1894 ,Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNRLM1894DynamicNoiseReductionSystemDNRDecember1994LM1894DynamicNoiseReductionSystemDNRÉYCompatible wi ..
LM1894M ,Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNRFeaturesn Video disc playback noise reductionn Non-complementary noise reduction, “single ended”n L ..
LM3Z4V3T1 , Zener Voltage Regulators
LM4040A10IDBZR ,10-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.1% accuracy
LM4040A10IDBZT ,10-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.1% accuracy
LM1889 TV Video Modulator
National _
[ Semiconductor
LM1889 TV Video Modulator
General Description
The LM1889 is designed to interface audio, color difference,
and luminance signals to the antenna terminals of a TV re-
ceiver. It consists of a sound subcarrier oscillator, chroma
subcarrier oscillator, quadrature chroma modulators, and
RF oscillators and modulators for two low-VHF channels.
The LM1889 allows video information from VTR's, games,
test equipment, or similar sources to be displayed on black
and white or color TV receivers. When used with the
MM57100 and MM53104, a complete TV game is formed.
a dc channel switching
a 12V to 18V supply operation
a Excellent oscillator stability
1: Low intermodulation products
I: 5 Vp-p chroma reference signal
a May be used to encode composite video
Block Diagram
Dual-ln-Line Package
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Order Number LM1889N
See NS Package Number N18A
DC Test Circuit
l nu 2 SW3 -- ! --- E. - l
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7.5vc Atl- v 3 u -
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'ii5 n "
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Absolute Maximum Ratings at
If MIIItary/Aeroapace specified devlces are required, Storage Temperature Range -55''G to + 150°C *
please contact the National Semlconductor Sales Chroma Osc Current In max 10 onc
offittefDltttrlttutortt for availability and speclflcatlons. (V16-V15) max * 5 VDC
Supply Pt.agt.v1'.l, V16 max 19 VDC (V14-V10) m ax 7V
Power Plss1patlon Package (Note 1) . 1800 mew (V1 4-VI 1) max 7V
Operating Temperature Range 0 C to + 70 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C
DC Electrical Characteristics (dc TestCireuit,AllSW Normally Pos. 1, VA == 15V, VB = " = 12V)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Is Supply Current 20 35 45 mA
AI15 Sound Oscillator, Current Change VA from 12.5 to 0.3 0.6 0.9 m A
Change 17.5V
V17 Chroma Oscillator Balance 9.5 11.0 12.5 V
V13 Chroma Modulator Balance 7.0 7.4 7.8 V
AV13 R-Y Modulator Output Level SW 3, Pos. 2, Change SW 1
0.6 0.9 1.2 V
from Pos. 1 to Pos. 2
AV13 B-Y Modulator Output Level SW 3, Pos. 2, Change SW 2
0.6 0.9 1.2 V
from Pos. 1 to Pos. 2
AV13/AV3 Chroma Modulator SW 3, Pos. 2, Change SW 0
Conversion Ratio from Pos. 1 to Pos. 2 Divide 0.45 0.70 0.95 V/V
AV13 by AVG
V8, V9 Ch. A Oscillator "OFF" Voltage SW 4, Pos. 2 1.0 3.0 V
lg Ch. A OscillatorCurrent Level VB == 12V, Vc = 13V 3.0 4.0 5.5 mA
V6, V7 Ch. B Oscillator "OFF" Voltage 1.0 3.0 V
I6 Ch. B Oscillator Current Level SW 4, Pos. 2, VB = 12V, 3.0 4.0 5.5 mA
Vc = 13V
AV11/(V13-V12) Ch. A Modulator Conversion Ratio SW 1, SW2, SW 3, Pos. 2,
Measure AV11(V10) by
Changing from VB -- 12.5V, 0.35 0.55 0.75 V/V
Vc -- 11.5V to VB =11.5V,VC =12.5V
and Divide by V13-VI 2
AV10/N13--V12) Ch. B Modulator Conversion Ratio Divide as Above 0.35 0.55 0.75 V/V
AC Electrical Characteristics (AC Test Circuit, v = 15V)
Symbol Parameter Condltions Mln Typ Max Unlts
V17 Chroma Oscillator Output Level CLOAD s 20 pF 4 5 Vp-p
V15 Sound Carrier Oscillator Level Loaded by RC Coupling 2 3 4 Vp-p
V8, V9 Ch. 3 RF Oscillator Level Ch. SW. Pos. 3, f = 61.25 MHz,
Use FET Probe 200 350 mVp-p
V6, V7 Ch. 4 RF Oscillator Level Ch. Sw. Pos. 4, f = 67.25 MHz
Use FET Probe 200 350 mVp-p
Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25''C, the device must be derated based on a 150° maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance
of 70'C C/W junction to ambient.
Design Characteristics (AC TestCircuit, v = ISV)
Parameter Typ Units Parameter Typ Units
Oscillator Supply Dependence RF Modulator
Chroma, fo = 3.579545 MHz 3 Hz/V Conversion Gain,f = 61.25 MHz,
Sound Carrier, RF See Curves VouT/(V13-V12) 10 mVrms/V
Oscillator Temperature Dependence (IC Only) 3.58 MHz Differential Gain 5 o/o
Chroma 0.05 ppm/''C Differential Phase 3 degrees
Sound Carrier - 15 ppm/°C 2.5 Vp-p Video, 87.5% mod.
PF - 50 ppm/°C Output Harmonics below Carrier
Chroma Oscillator Output, Pin 17 2nd, 3rd - 12 dB
tRISE, 10-90% 20 ns 4th and above - 20 dB
tFALL, 90-10% 30 ns Input Impedances
Duty Cycle (+) Half Cycle 51 % Chroma Modulator, Pins 2, 4 500kl/2 pF
i--) Half Cycle 49 % RF Modulator, Pin 12 1M//2 pF
RF Oscillator Maximum Operating Frequency 100 MHz Pin 13 250k/l3.5 pF
(Temperature Stability Degraded)
Chroma Modulator (f = 3.58 MHz)
B-Y Conversion Gain V13/(V4-V3) 0.6 Vp-p/V
R-Y Conversion Gain V13/(V2-V3) 0.6 Vp-p/V
Gain Balance d: 0.5 dB
Bandwidth See Curve
3-1 04
AC Test Circuit
43 " 3.51955 MHz 9-35 "
ll 0.01 "
l 158MHz
I 0.01uF
T 0.001 "
21/2T TipF
”.001 " Cl?
tt/2T TSnF
Cl? tum "
Cl? 10uF
Typical Performance Characteristics
Sound Carrier Oscillator
RF Oscillator Frequency
Chroma Modulator
Supply Dependence Supply Dependence Trarttgeondutttanee Bandwidth
'fi';" (to == 4.5 MHz) th, = 67.25 MHz) IOUT13/V1 or 18
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3 lil " " " " " " 17 18 19 " 10 11 12 IT " IS " " " " 20 1 2 ii " to " 1110
Chroma Modulator
Common-Mode Input Range
Pins 2, 3, 4
1011 " 13 " 1516 17 18 " 211
Circuit Description (Refer to Circuit Diagram)
The sound carrier oscillator is formed by differential amplifi-
er 03, 04 operated with positive feedback from the pin 15
tank to the base of 04.
The chroma oscillator consists of the inverting amplifier
016. 017 and Darlington emitter follower 011, 012. An ex-
ternal RC and crystal network from pin 17 to pin 18 provides
an additional 180 degrees phase lag back to the base of
Q17 to produce oscillation at the crystal resonance1requen-
cy. (See AC test circuit),
The feedback signal from the crystal is split in a Iead-lag
network to pins 1 and 18, respectively. to generate the sub-
carrier reference signals for the chroma modulators. The R-
Y modulator consists of multiplier devices Q29, 030 and
021-024, while the B-Y modulator consists of O31, C32
and 025-028. The multiplier outputs are coupled through a
balanced summing amplifier Q37, Q38 to the input of the RF
modulators at pin 13. With 0 offset at the lower pairs of the
multipliers, no chroma output is produced. However, when
either pin 2 or pin 4 is offset relative to pin 3 a subcarrier
output current of the appropriate phase is produced at pin
RF Modulator
Common-Mode Input Range
Pins 12, " (Application Circuit)
10 " " " " " " " " " "
The channel B oscillator consists of devices 056 and 057
cross-coupled through leveI-shift zener diodes 054 and
055. A current regulator consisting of devices 039-043 is
used to achieve good RF frequency stability over supply and
temperature. The channel B modulator consists of multiplier
devices Q58, 059 and Cl50--a53. The top quad is coupled
to the channel B tank through isolating devices 048 and
Q49. A dc offset between pins 12 and 13 offsets the lower
pair to produce an output RF carrier at pin 10. That carrier is
then modulated by both the chroma signal at pin 13 and the
video and sound carrier signals at pin 12. The channel A
modulator shares pin 12 and 13 buffers Q45 and 044 with
channel B and operates in an identical manner.
The current flowing through channel B oscillator diodes
054. 055 is turned around in C60, 061 and 062 to source
current for the channel B RF modulator. In the same man-
ner, the channel A oscillator t271-t274 uses turn around
077. Q78 and C279 to source the channel A modulator. One
oscillator at a time may be activated by connecting its tank
to supply (see ac test circuit). The corresponding modulator
is then activated by its current turn-around, and the other
oscillator/modulator combination remains "OFF".
Circuit Diagram
' O '-r
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TV Game Schematic
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Note: All capacitors in pf. All resistors in (1.
INPUI ometer or equivalent
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Applications Information
Subcarrier Oscillator
The oscillator is a crystaI-controlled design to ensure the
accuracy and stability required of the subcarrier frequency
for use with television receivers. Lag-lead networks (R202
and C1Ft1) define a quadrature phase relationship between
pins 1 and 18 at the subcarrier frequency of 3.579545 MHz.
Other frequencies can be used and where high stability is
not a requirement, the crystal can be replaced with a paral-
lel resonant L-C tank circuit-to provide a 2 MHz clock, for
example. Note that since one of the chrominance modula-
tors is internally connected to the feedback path of the os-
cillator, operation of the oscillator at other than the correct
subcarrier frequency precludes chrominance modulation.
When an external subcarrier source is available or pre-
ferred, this can be used instead. For proper modulator oper-
ation, a subcarrier amplitude of 500 mVp-p is required at
pins 1 and 18. If the quadrature phase shift networks shown
in the application circuit are retained, about 1 Vp-p subcarri-
er injected at the junction of C1 and R2 is sufficient. The
crystal, C4 and R3 are eliminated and pin 17 provides a
5 Vp-p signal shifted + 125°C from the external reference.
Chrominance Modulation
The simplest method of chroma encoding is to define the
quadrature phases provided at pins 1 and 18 as the color
difference axes R-Y and B-Y. A signal at pin 2 (R-Y) will give
a chrominance subcarrier output from the modulator with a
relative phase of 90''G compared to the subcarrier output
produced by a signal at pin 4 (B-Y). The zero signal dc level
of the FR-Y and B-Y inputs will determine the bias level re-
quired at pin 3. For example, a pin 2 signal that is 1V posi-
tive with respect to pin 3 will give 0.6 Vp-p subcarrier at a
relative phase of 9ty'C. It pin 2 is 1V negative with repsect to
pin 3, the output is again 0.6 Vp-p, but with a relative phase
of 270°C. When a simultaneous signal exists at pin 4, the
subcarrier output level and phase will be the vector sum of
the quadrature components produced by pin 2 and 4 inputs.
Clearly, with the modulation axes defined as above, a nega-
tive pulse on pin 4 during the burst gate period will produce
the chrominance synchronizing "burst" with a phase of
180°. Both color difference signals must be do coupled to
the modulators and the zero signal dc level of both must be
the same and within the common-mode range of the modu-
The 0.6 Vp-p/Vdc conversion gain of the chrominance mod-
ulators is obtained with a 2 kn resistor connected at pin 13.
Larger resistor values can be used to increase the gain, but
capacitance at pin 13 will reduce the bandwidth. Notice that
equi-bandwidth encoding of the color difference signals is
implied as both modulator outputs are internally connected
and summed into the same load resistor.
Sound Oscillator
Frequency modulation is achieved by using a 4.5 MHz tank
circuit and deviating the center frequency via a capacitor or
a varactor diode. Switching a 5 pF capacitor to ground at an
audio frequency rate will cause a 50 kHz deviation from
4.5 MHz. A 1N5447 diode biassed --4V from pin 16 will give
*20 kHz deviation with a 1 Vp-p audio signal. The coupling
network to the video modulator input and the varactor diode
bias must be included when the tank circuit is tuned to cen-
ter frequency.
A good level for the RF sound carrier is between 2% and
20% of the picture carrier level. For example, if the peak
video signal offset of pin 12 with respect to pin 13 is 3V, this
corresponds to a 30 mVrms picture RF carrier. The source
impedance at pin 12 is defined by the external 2 kn resistor
and so a series network of 15 kn and 24 pF will give a
sound carrier level at -32 dB to the picture carrier.
RF Modulation
Two RF channels are available, with carrier frequencies up
to 100 MHz being determined by L-C tank circuits at pins 6,
7, 8 and 9. The signal inputs (pins 12, 13) to both modula-
tors are common, but removing the power supply from an
RF oscillator tank circuit will also disable that modulator.
As with the chrominance modulators, it is the offset be-
tween the two signal input pins that determines the level of
RF carrier output. Since one signal input (pin 13) is also
internally connected to the chrominance modulators, the
2 kn load resistor at this point should be connected to a
bias source within the common-mode input range of the vid-
eo modulators. However, this bias source is independent of
the chrominance modulator bias and where chrominance
modulation is not used, the 2 kn resistor is eliminated and
the bias source connected directly to pin 13.
To preserve the dc content of the video signal, amplitude
modulation of the RF carrier is done in one direction only,
with increasing video (toward peak white) decreasing the
carrier level. This means the active composite video signal
at pin 12 must be offset with respect to pin 13 and the sync
pulse should produce the largest offset (i.e., the offset volt-
age of pin 12 with respect to pin 13 should have the same
polarity as the sync pulses.
The largest video signal (peak white) should not be able to
suppress the carrier Completely, particularly if sound trans-
mission is needed. For example, a signal with 1V sync am-
plitude and 2.5V peak white (3.5 Vp-p, negative polarity
sync) and a black level at 5 Vdc will require a dc bias of BV
on pin 13 for correct modulation. A simple way of obtaining
the required offset is to bias pin 13 at 4 x (sync amplitude)
from the sync tip level at pin 12.
Applications Information (Continued)
Spllt Power Supplies
The LM1889 is designed to operate over a wide range of
supply voltages so that much of the time it can utilize the
signal source power supplies. An example of this is shown
in Figure 2 where the composite video signal from a charac-
tar generator is modulated onto an RF carrier for display on
a conventions! home TV receiver. The LM1889 is biased
between the -12V and +5V supplies and pin 13 is put at
ground. A 9.1 kfl resistor from pin 12 to -12V dc offsets
the video input signal (which has sync tips at ground) to
establish the proper modulation depth - R1/R2 == V.N/ 12
x 0.875. This design is for monochrome transmission and
features an extremely low external parts count.
DC Clamped Inputs
Utilizing a DC clamp will make matching the LM1889 to
available signal generator outputs a simple process. Figure
3 shows the LM1889 configured to accept the composite
video patterns available from a Tektronix Type 144 genera-
tor that has black level at ground and negative polarity
syncs. In this application, the chroma oscillator amplifier is
used to provide a gain of two. The 100k pot adjusts the
overall DC level of the amplified signal which determines the
modulation depth of the RF output. Clamping the input re-
quires a minimum of DC correction to obtain the correct DC
output level. This allows the adjustment to be a high imped-
ance that will have minimum effect on the amplifier closed
loop gain.
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FIGURE 1. Lumlnance and Chromlnance Encodlng Composite Vldeo or RF Output
Applications Information (Continued)
Cr1,r"" ft " 'rs-r
LMt Mi?
" ltr " " " 13 " 111111
FIGURE 2. Low-Coat Mtttttttthrttrtttt Modulator for Character Generator Dlaplay
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" l" ly, 15 " " 12 " lil as
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FIGURE 3. DC Clamped Modulator for NTSC Pattern Generators
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LM1889 - product/Im1889?HQS=T|—nu|l-nu|I-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
LM1889 - product/Im1889?HQS=T|-nu|I-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nulI-wwe
LM1889N - product/Im1889n?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df—pf-nuIl-wwe
LM1889N - product/Im1889n?HQS=T|-nu|I-null-dscatalog-df-pf-nuIl-wwe