LM1886N ,5mA; 1900mW; TV video matrix D to AGeneral Description
The LM1886 is a TV video matrix D to A converter which
encodes luminance an ..
LM1889 ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorElectrical Characteristics (dc TestCircuit, All sw Normally Pos.1,VA = 15v, VB = " = 12V)
Symbol ..
LM1889 ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorFeatures
I do channel switching
I 12V to 18V supply operation
I Excellent oscillator stabi ..
LM1889N ,LM1889 TV Video ModulatorLM1889
National _
LM1889 TV Video Modulator
LM1893N ,LM1893/LM2893 Carrier-Current TransceiverLM1893/LM2893Carrier-CurrentTransceiverApril1995LM1893/LM2893Carrier-CurrentTransceiver²GeneralDesc ..
LM1894 ,Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNRLM1894DynamicNoiseReductionSystemDNRDecember1994LM1894DynamicNoiseReductionSystemDNRÉYCompatible wi ..
LM3Z4V3T1 , Zener Voltage Regulators
LM4040A10IDBZR ,10-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.1% accuracy
LM4040A10IDBZT ,10-V Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.1% accuracy
5mA; 1900mW; TV video matrix D to A
National .
LM1886 TV Video Matrix D to A
General Description
The LM1886 is a TV video matrix D to A converter which
encodes luminance and color difference signals from 3-bit
red, green and blue inputs. The luminance output is encod-
ed from the NTSC equation Y = 0.3R + 0.596 + 0.118
and the R-Y and B-Y outputs are weighted to prevent over-
modulation. A built-in R-Y and burst gate polarity switch al-
low European PAL compatible signals to be encoded. All
output levels including an RF 0 Carrier Bias Voltage have
been referenced to 5V for direct connection to the LM1889
TV video modulator. When used in combination with the
LM1889 and a suitable sync generator, 3-bit, R, G and B
information may be encoded to both composite video and
RF channel carrier.
a Complete digital to RF coding with LM1889
n 1-pin PAL/NTSC mode select
" True NTSC matrix
" 8 levels of grey scale
a Allows wide range of calorimetry
I: Low power TTL inputs
n Wideband luminance output
a Weighted R-Y, B-Y outputs
Connection Diagram
_ 11 10
ua-- Aft--------- GND
REO It g m 9 m
mpurs‘ - © mm?
13 g 3
M88 - - WINPUT
_ " 1 7 o CARRIER
LM-- " ‘9 oils-i, REFERENCE
GREEN - z -
iiiiiffi4 lk', y OUTPUT
u E 0.56 5
Mi-" /--+ E "-12VS0FFLY
r I? 4
"trr'-'-"")- -8.Y OUTPUT
BLUE " g tl lk 3
oiiiiiii4 - g NW --n.v OUTPUT
M33 ' "--'v-, tt/2 mpu‘r
20 1 mm
511 sumv t l mrur
Top View
Order Number LM1886N
See NS Package Number N20A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mllltary/Aerospace specified devlces are required, Pin 2 Voltage Relative to Pip 20 0.8V
please contact the Natlona1 Setttlttondutttor Sales Output Current 5 mA
oftlee/Ditttrlbutortt for availability and tepettlfleatlorts P ower Dissipation, TA 2 25.0 (N ote 1) 1900 mW
SuppFiyi/ngoltage 1 5V Storage Temperature Range - 55''C to + 150°C
Pin 20 6V Operating Temperature Range 0°C to + 70°C
Input Voltage (Pins l, 8, 9, 1 1-19) - 0.5V, + 12V Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 26ty'
Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, (Figure 2, Note 2)
Parameter Conditions Mln Typ Max Units
5V Supply Current (Pin 20) BLANK = 0.8V 7 11 16 mA
12V Supply Current (Pin 5) BLANK = 0.8V 9 13 17 mA
Logic "l" Input Current Input Voltage = 5.0V
(Pins1,2. 8, 9,11-19) 0 10 11A
Logic "o" Input Current lnputVoltago = 0.3V - -
(Pins 1, 2, e, 9, 11-19) 0.01 0.18 mA
OutputOffsets R, G, B, = 0.8V
AVY o i 50 mV
AVR-Y 0 * 50 mV
Ahry o 1 so mV
R-Y Full Scale, (hhrr)Fs R = 2V; G, B = 0.8V 1.0 1.23 1.4 V
B-Y Full Scale, (AVB_y)FS B = 2V; R, G = 0.8V 0.7 0.87 1.0 V
Green Full Scale G = 2V; R, B = 0.8V
AN/my -0.85 -I.03 -1.2 V
AVB-Y -0.45 -0.58 - 0.7 V
Y Full Scale R, G, B = 2V
(AVy)F5 1.6 1.75 1.9 V
AVRY 0 i 100 mV
AVB.Y 0 , 75 mV
0 Carrier Reference, " 2.0 2.2 2.5 V
Blanking Level, AVY BLANK = 0.8V 0 * 50 mV
Sync Level, AVY BLANK, SYNC = 0.8V -0.67 -0.77 -0.87 V
NTSC Burst, AVB.y BLANK, B0AWT GATE = 0.8V -0.26 --th35 -0.46 V
PAL Burst SW in PAL Position;
Al/my BLANK, BURST GATE, -0.2 -0.25 -0.32 V
AVB.Y H/2 = 0.8V -0,2 -0.25 -0.32 V
PAL Inversion Ratio H--- 2V; G, B, H/2 = 0.8V -0 9 -I 0 -I 1
(AVR-Y)PAL/(AVF1-Y)FS SW to PAL Position . . .
Y Linearity Error Figure 2b Input Connection i 1 i 6 %FS
Y Switching Times 15 kHz Square Wave Switching
Rise Time, trt R, G, B in Parallel 35 ns
Fall Time, tr 30 ns
Settling Time AI LSB 50 ns
Note 1: Above TA = 25''C, derate based on Tumx, = 150°C and 0M = 65''C/W.
Note 2: Unless otherwise noted, BLANK, SYNC, BURET GATE = 2V and SW is in NTSC position. All outputs are referenced to the + 5V supply as shown in Figure
Typical Input and Output Waveforms
WIN 9)
(PIN tl)
(PIN ll
(PIN 2)
PINS 11,12.13l
(Plus M, 18,ttil
(PINS 17, 18, Ill)
AVy ourrur
(PIM til
(9m 4)
AVn_v ounur
(PIN 3)
A Wt.y oumn
(PIN 3)
2.0V MIN
0.8V MAX
2.0V MIN
0.8V MAX
2.0V MIN
0.8V MAX
5.0V MAX
2.0V MIN
0.8V MAX
2.0V MIN
0.8V MAX
0.8V MAX
2.0V Milt
0.8V MAX
Test Circuits
11 L Ill
"s-fi:] Lo 'mor = v
13 M' a W
Lt., REF Let AV.) -
15 s + - 1 ll
tl YA-O MY 2 tl.iuF muss
16 5 i i
V M ,i(-n
17 4 + - -
O_CL ti-Y P-O AVB_Y 4U -
18 + -
tt PH J-t AVR-y NTSC
19 M 2
20 1 SW m 20
[NT G-0E1mWErtE
FIGURE 2a. 6-Color Input Connection
Application Notes (Refer to Figure 3)
SYNC, BLANK, and BUR§T GATE may be obtained from a
sync generator IC. For PAL operation, the H/2 square wave
may be obtained by a +2 from horizontal sync.
All inputs are Iow-power TTL compatible. Because of the
very low typical input currents, the color inputs may be par-
alleled in various combinations. For simple color require-
ments, the Figure 2a input connection may be used to pro-
duce the 6 primary and complementary colors listed in Ta-
ble l, along with black and white. To add complex colors
such as those at the bottom of Table I, all 9 input bits may
be required separately. When choosing input codes for oth-
er colors, always check the new color against both light and
dark backgrounds.
All outputs are referenced to the + 5V supply for direct con-
nection to the LM1889. The resistor on the luminance out-
put pin 6 is used to sum the chroma subcarrier from the
LM1889 and must be wired as tightly as possible to pre-
serve the video bandwidth. For the addition of sound or a
second RF channel, refer to the LM1889 data sheet.
FIGURE 2b. B-level Grey Scale
TL/H/7916_2 Input Connectlon
TABLE I. Input Code Examples for Common Colors
Input Code
Red Green Blue
Color M L M L M L
Black 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dark Grey 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Light Grey 1 O 1 1 O 1 1 0 1
White 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
a Red 1 1 1 o 0 o o o o
E Green 0 o o 1 1 1 o o o
E Blue 0 0 o o 0 0 1 1 1
g t,' Cyan 1 1 1 1 1 1
E "ii Magenta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
8ti Yellow 111111000
Brown 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 O 0
Orange 1 1 1 1 O 0 0 0 0
Flesh Tone 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 O 1
Pink 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
Sky Blue 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Typical Application
12V LOW-VHF 12v
mit , BTW? " 0.001 " "953693 vau 01mm
1 ' " -Ny"i'hy
. = - 2411
= ls; ttl - A AW.
am 1 " ' TT N 9
13 M53 3 =Lil.1" 11 ' 75pF 21/21 J....,
= Lss REF , L It ,
rx) mea " ] zan
GREEN 1 -1.1. vnom Y 6 4AA 13 s
16 Lamas
L -MSit m 5 " VIDEO 5 l
12v 110% mnouumn
r 41.53 n 4 c IS ' =
nus _ 13 RV ' 1s aow
L 19 2 -J--o.IuF " t
Ill 1 - la 1
" "ee -
LI LI L‘“"‘$
mic'')'.';'' 12C, “W l lk __W F
\ T,U1"Ce
0.01“: 5At XTAL C
suncnnmsn .
cwcxaut .-H(--, [Fo-y-o
r', '--3srrF I,,
XTAL 3.5795 4.4336 MHz "IT = =
C 43 36 pF TL/H/7916-5
Circuit Description (Refer to Figured)
The 3-bit red, green. and blue inputs go to identical 3-bit
current-mode digital-to-analog converters (DACs). Each
DAC consists of three binary-weighted current sources con-
trolled by diff-amp current switches. The DAC output cur-
rents are arbitrarily given a weighting factor of 0.59, which is
the green coefficient in the luminance equation. Portions of
the red and blue currents are split off, so that the remaining
currents combined with the green current form the lumi-
nance current Iy = 0.3 In + 0.59 la + 0.11 IB. Iy develops
the iuminance voltage Vy across Ro in a summing amplifier
referenced to the + 5V supply, A current switch operated by
pin 8 adds (-) sync pulses to the Y output at pin 6.
The portions of red and blue currents previously split off
flow through resistors Ro/0.29 and R0/0.48, which are
weighted to form the red and blue voltages respectively.
Since the opposite ends of the 2 resistors are connected to
Vy, the red and blue voltages across the resistors subtract
from Vy to develop the color difference voltages Vy-R and
Vy.B. Vrm is coupled through a X.56 gain, 5V-referenced
inverting amplifier to the B-Y output at pin 4. l/rm feeds
parallel inverting and non-inverting unity gain amplifiers
which allow either polarity to be coupled to the R-Y output
pin 3. Switching between the 2 amplifiers is controlled by a
current switch activated by the we pin 2. A (-) burst gate
pulse on pin 1 controls current switches which add the burst
pulse components to the B-Y and R-Y outputs.
The requirements for PAL and NTSC encoding differ in the
areas of burst gate operation and R-Y polarity, both of which
are controlled via pin 2 as follows:
PAL, pin 2 fed by a half-lime frequency TTL square wavts-in
this mode a PNP switch between pin 2 and + 5V is held off
continuously, which results in equal burst pulse components
on the B-Y and R-Y outputs. In addition, the H/2 square
wave causes the R-Y output polarity to reverse every line.
(When fed to the LM1889 chroma modulator this causes the
phase of the R-Y subcarrier to change 180° as required in
NTSC, pin 2 tied through an external resistor to +12V-this
turns on the PNP switch continuously, which eliminates the
burst pulse on the R-Y output and increases the amplitude
of the B-Y pulse. Since pin 2 is being held high, the R-Y
output is locked in the positive polarity.
Blanking is activated by a low on pin 9, which de-biases the
left side of the DAC diff-amps, so that In = ks ---. IQ = 0
independent of the input states. When blanked, the Y, B-Y
and Ft-Y outputs all go to + 5V. An additional amplifier pro-
duces a 0 carrier reference voltage at pin 7 which is 25%
above the peak white voltage on the Y output, relative to
Equivalent Schematic
0/013 "IA
FIGURE 4. LM1886 Equivalent Schematic
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