LM1872 ,Radio Control Receiver/Decoderapplications. The device is well suited for use at ei-Yther 27 MHz, 49 MHz or 72 MHz in controlling ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power Amplifierapplications. YLow distortion: 0.015%, 1 kHz, 20 WYThe LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4X or 8X loa ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierApplicationspower bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high currentYHigh performance audio system ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsTL/H/5030–1FrontViewOrderNumberLM1875TSeeNSPackageNumberT05BTL/H/5030–2C1995NationalSem ..
LM1875T ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierElectrical CharacteristicsV =+25V, −V =−25V, T =25˚C, R =8Ω,A =20 (26 dB), f =1 kHz, unless otherwi ..
LM1875T. ,20-W Audio Power Amplifierapplications.n Low distortion: 0.015%, 1 kHz, 20 W±TheLM1875delivers20wattsintoa4Ωor8Ωloadon 25V n ..
LM3S817-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S817MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S817-15852.2743 Co ..
LM3S828-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S828MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S828-15852.2743 Co ..
LM3S8530-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8530MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8530-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8538-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8538MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8538-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8930-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8930MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8930-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8930-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85/stellarishttp://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm2July15,2014T ..
Radio Control Receiver/Decoder
February 1989
LM1872 Radio Control Receiver/Decoder
General Description
The LM1872isa completeRF receiver/decoderfor radio
control applications.The deviceis well suitedforuseatei-
ther27 MHz,49 MHzor72 MHzin controlling various toys hobby craft suchas cars, boats, tanks, trucks, robots,
planes,and trains. The crystal controlled superhet design
offers both good sensitivity and selectivity. When operated conjunction withthe companion transmitter, LM1871,it
provides four independent information channels. Twoof
these channelsare analog pulse width modulated (PWM)
types, whilethe othertwoare simple ON/OFF digital chan-
nels with 100mA drive capability. Either channel typecan convertedtothe other form through simple externalcir-
cuitry such thatupto4 analogorupto4 digital channels
couldbe created. Few external partsare requiredto com-
plementthe self-contained device which includes localos-
cillator, mixer,IF detector, AGC, sync output drivers,andall
decoder logic on-chip.
Features Four independent information channels;two analog and
two digital Completely self-contained Minimumof external parts Operation from50 kHzto72 MHz Highly selectiveand sensitive superhet design Operates fromfour 1.5V cells Excellent supply noise rejection 100mA digital output drivers Crystal controlled Interfaces directly with standard hobby servos
Applications Toys and hobby craft Energy saving, remotely switched lighting systems Burgler alarms Industrialand consumer remote data linksIR data links Remote slide projector control
Circuit Block and Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Bottom View
Order Number LM1872N
SeeNS PackageNumberN18A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.