LM1871N ,RC Encoder/Transmitterapplicationsthe temperature range extremes are +130˚C and −55˚C.Decreasing the power supply voltage ..
LM1872 ,Radio Control Receiver/Decoderapplications. The device is well suited for use at ei-Yther 27 MHz, 49 MHz or 72 MHz in controlling ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power Amplifierapplications. YLow distortion: 0.015%, 1 kHz, 20 WYThe LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4X or 8X loa ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierApplicationspower bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high currentYHigh performance audio system ..
LM1875 ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsTL/H/5030–1FrontViewOrderNumberLM1875TSeeNSPackageNumberT05BTL/H/5030–2C1995NationalSem ..
LM1875T ,20-W Audio Power AmplifierElectrical CharacteristicsV =+25V, −V =−25V, T =25˚C, R =8Ω,A =20 (26 dB), f =1 kHz, unless otherwi ..
LM3S817-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S817MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S817-15852.2743 Co ..
LM3S828-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S828MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S828-15852.2743 Co ..
LM3S8530-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8530MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8530-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8538-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8538MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8538-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8930-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S8930MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S8930-15852.2743 ..
LM3S8930-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85/stellarishttp://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm2July15,2014T ..
RC Encoder/Transmitter
2.4V, 10µA, TO-92 Temperature Sensor
General DescriptionThe LM19isa precision analog output CMOS integrated-
circuit temperature sensor that operates overa −55˚Cto
+130˚C temperature range. The power supply operating
rangeis +2.4Vto +5.5V. The transfer functionof LM19is
predominately linear, yet hasa slight predictable parabolic
curvature. The accuracyof the LM19 when specifiedtoa
parabolic transfer functionis ±2.5˚Catan ambient tempera-
tureof +30˚C. The temperature error increases linearly and
reachesa maximumof ±3.8˚Cat the temperature range
extremes. The temperature rangeis affectedby the power
supply voltage.Ata power supply voltageof2.7Vto5.5V
the temperature range extremes are +130˚C and −55˚C.
Decreasing the power supply voltageto 2.4V changes the
negative extremeto −30˚C, while the positive remainsat
The LM19’s quiescent currentis less than10 µA. Therefore,
self-heatingis less than 0.02˚Cin stillair. Shutdown capa-
bilityforthe LM19is intrinsic becauseits inherent low power
consumption allowsittobe powered directly fromthe output many logic gatesor doesnot necessitate shutdownatall.
Applications Cellular Phones Computers Power Supply Modules Battery Management FAX Machines Printers HVAC Disk Drives Appliances
Features Ratedforfull −55˚Cto +130˚C range Availableina TO-92 package Predictable curvature error Suitablefor remote applications
Key Specifications Accuracyat +30˚C ±2.5˚C (max) Accuracyat +130˚C& −55˚C ±3.5to ±3.8˚C (max) Power Supply Voltage Range +2.4Vto +5.5V Current Drain 10µA (max) Nonlinearity ±0.4% (typ) Output Impedance 160Ω (max) Load Regulation
Typical Application
Output Voltagevs Temperature
20004002= (−3.88x10−6xT2)+ (−1.15x10−2xT)+ 1.8639
where:is temperature,andVOisthe measured output voltageofthe LM19.
FIGURE1. Full-Range Celsius (Centigrade) Temperature Sensor (−55˚Cto +130˚C)
Operating froma Single Li-Ion Battery Cell
January 2003