LM1863M ,AM Radio System for Electronically Tuned RadiosFeaturesn Video disc playback noise reductionn Non-complementary noise reduction, “single ended”n L ..
LM1865M ,Advanced FM IF SystemGeneral Descriptionn 10 dB effective tape noise reduction CCIR/ARMThe LM1894 is a stereo noise redu ..
LM1865N ,Advanced FM IF Systemapplications. This new circuit technique exhibits lowerYLow distortionwidebandnoise,lowerdistortion ..
LM1868 ,AM/FM Radio SystemFeaturesYDC selection of AM/FM modeThe combination of the LM1868 and an FM tuner will pro-Yvide all ..
LM1868N ,Radio SystemLM1868AM/FMRadioSystemFebruary1995LM1868AM/FMRadioSystemGeneralDescription
LM1871 ,RC Encoder/TransmitterFeaturesYLow current 9V battery operationThe LM1871 is a complete six-channel digital proportionalY ..
LM3S811-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S811MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S811-15852.2743 Co ..
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AM Radio System for Electronically Tuned Radios
Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR®
General DescriptionThe LM1894isa stereo noise reduction circuitforuse with
audio playback systems. The DNR system is
non-complementary, meaningit doesnot require encoded
source material. The systemis compatible with virtuallyall
prerecorded tapes and FM broadcasts. Psychoacoustic
masking,andan adaptive bandwidth scheme allowthe DNR achieve10dBof noise reduction. DNRcan save circuit
board spaceand cost becauseofthefew additional compo-
nents required.
Features Non-complementary noise reduction, “single ended” Low cost external components,no critical matching Compatible withall prerecorded tapesandFM10dB effective tape noise reduction CCIR/ARM
weighted Wide supply range, 4.5Vto 18V1 Vrms input overload
Applications Automotive radio/tape players Compact portable tape players Quality HI-FI tape systems VCR playback noise reduction Video disc playback noise reduction
Typical ApplicationDNR®isa registeredtrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
The DNR®systemis licensed toNationalSemiconductorCorporationunderU.S.patent 3,678,416and3,753,159.
Trademarkandlicense agreement requiredforuseofthis product.
*R1+R2= 1kΩtotal.
See ApplicationHints.
Order Number LM1894Mor LM1894N
SeeNS Package Number M14Aor N14A
FIGURE1. Component Hook-Upfor Stereo DNR SystemDecember 1994
DNR©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007918